The pit

'Oh... it's Atrox of the Steelclaw Alliance now?' he thought in amusement as he made his way over with his team. But he understood why she was calling him that. They'd tested him and found him worth... somewhat. 'The Rank 2 Steelclaw must be finding ways to turn me into a useful tool.'

Dozens of eyes immediately locked on him and his team, weighing and sizing them up. They must be too impressed because most of them looked away immediately, but one lasted longer than the others. It came from a tall, thin man who was glaring venomously his way.

'That must be the Scuffed Bones. He looks as if he wants to tear me into pieces and put Xan into hot oil.'

Atrox walked toward Jenna's place, his eyes surveying them in return, trying to put faces to the names and positions he had. Most of the rank one to five sat in the middle with other team leaders around them.