The meeting II

They turned towards him, dozens of eyes locked on him and his team, and then on Lysa. Surprise and confusion rippled through their midst.

Varyn, leader of the Blackened Blade, a solidly built man with a flared nose, said flatly, "What is going on, Lysa?"

Lysa smiled dreamily, her eyes dark and dull. "They just arrived, Varyn. The one who called this meeting just arrived! See? I told you it was going to be spectacular."

Varyn's eyes flashed. "What are you talking about? The one who called the meeting? Lysa, what did you do?"

Lysa ignored the cold tone of her leader and said, "Let me introduce Atrox of the Steelclaw Alliance and his team!"

The outlaws recoiled at the name as if they'd smelled something especially bad but then froze, their attention sharpening. The tension in the room rose, and the outlaw leaders glanced at each other, their expressions hard.