let's finish

A twenty-meter black and throbbing red ball slammed into him with the force of a hurricane, sending him into the wall. Immediately, Slya changed the ball into a giant spear and sent it at him, but this time he sent it back, tearing it apart with his force.

When he dug himself out of the wall, his face was ugly with anger, darkened by the fact that he had been caught by such tricks. He limped forward, his leg a bloody mess, trailing blood onto the dusty ground.

From where Slya was lying, she smiled a bloody smile at him—even that was enough to bring tears to her face.

"Oh shit... my back is a mess. This bastard basically wanted to crush me, but my shield protected me... not like it makes any difference since he's going to crush my head... but I won't go down easily after I just managed to become a Knight! It's not fair!"