What's next step?

"What is the next step?" Tiber rumbled.

It was night, and they had been given a wing in Team 2's base. Atrox just found the biggest room for the three of them to settle in. It was big enough to have three beds with enough space left for couches.

Atrox was currently sitting on one of the big brown ones, eating monster meat that had been deep-fried in spicy oil. Slya was opposite him, drinking a bottle of wine while eating chopped meat.

Tiber was the only one not eating. He had inhaled his food—two plates now.

He finished chewing before he answered. "We are clearing the ruin that carries the Rift Seed. I'm closing the second layer down."

By closing the ruin with the Rift Seed, it meant the ruin activity in the surrounding areas would reduce drastically. The frequency of ruin breaks and actual ruins would go down.