They entered the palace, and the only thing keeping the cold away was Atrox. The temperature inside was freezing, and everything was covered in thick layers of frost that crunched beneath their feet.
They walked directly into the single-room palace, where towering pillars held up ceilings that vanished into darkness. The boss and the hundreds of thousands of statues were immediately visible.
The statues were lined along the walls like ornaments, their cold, lifeless forms stacked atop one another. It was as though they were the walls.
The yeti sat in the center of the room, its sharp blue eyes already fixed on them. Each breath it exhaled came out in puffs of white frost and fog. The creature was ape-like, a mix of ice and white fur, standing at an intimidating eight meters tall.
Dlodus hissed when he saw it. "This is a Greater Beast!"