A slash of energy

Atrox slashed.

A blinding red flash followed, and the sword arc that emerged jumped and cleaved the air—a twisting snake of pure energy that sucked in all the air in the room like a dry heave. It crossed the distance so fast it seemed to blink.

But Frexon was ready, and a twelve-meter-tall portal was already in front of him. Even then, he took several steps back.

The sword arc slammed into the portal, and it shuddered and rippled as if it would collapse. The edges cracked and trembled, but it still managed to suck in the attack.

Frexon laughed out loud. "Aha! Crazy bastard, I see why you are the new rank 1 now! I can't even use your attack because you've damaged the portal. But you won't be able to touch me...!!"

Atrox slashed again. The attack was less powerful than the previous one that had taken half of his core, but it was still strong. It blazed forward with a cracking sound.