The Wolf

Atrox's new prison was better than the one he had in the Soryu Clan in that it had better lighting. There was a small window at the top where sunlight came in.

It was worse because he shared the room with three dead bodies.

Two had died on the small beds in the room, thin and dry from hunger, with chunks of flesh missing from their bodies. Atrox didn't know if they had eaten themselves before death or if it was the work of rodents.

The third one was hugging the metal door of the prison and had died that way.

The sight made Atrox lean as far away from them as the small prison would allow. 'And why are they not rotted? Must be an enchantment worked into the prison. The same way it's suppressing my powers'

As soon as they arrived wherever this place was, Frexon handed him over to the guards with instructions to keep him inside the prison, and he was dragged away.