Of course, they came after him immediately. They had smelled blood, after all. They smelled weakness.
Atrox heard their footsteps getting closer, but he ignored them. From the bloodlust he was sensing, he guessed there were about thirty or so people here, all of them Knights, though only a few were of Knight rank.
"You're a new one, huh?" a voice said.
"He looks like he's going to croak at any time," another replied.
Atrox slid down the wall and ignored them. His first priority was to take in as much essence as he could. He needed his body to be fully healed and functional before whatever was about to begin.
He slid his eyes open. Two people stood in front of him, a man and a woman, as haggard as their voices. With one look at them, Atrox understood what was happening.