New trouser

Frexon led him through the portal to the Scuffed Bones fortress. They appeared just before the dark fortress that was covered in a gloomy air. It was smaller than typical castles, built purely for functionality.

Thick dark walls surrounded them, etched with enchanted words that sparked silver against the surface. Around them, Atrox saw people in black armor coming and going from the smaller barracks surrounding the fortress.

A black flag with a skull fluttered gently atop the battlements.

And it's not only barracks he saw, there were also buildings that were used for different purposes. Like the alchemists own he saw and the one for merchants. There's also a big warehouse that soon in one corner.

"Come on," Frexon said, leading him forward toward the main building.

Atrox glanced around as he followed behind. The atmosphere here was dark and gloomy, but the people didn't seem to mind, as if they expected nothing less.