"When the rift opened nearly thirty years ago, my father personally came to this place and tried to close it. He came here with Master Knights and built most of the territories to stop the horde of monsters.
"But they didn't close it. Somehow, they convinced themselves that just stopping the rift's advancement and draining it of resources was enough. My father left, but he put a Commander here. A Soryu of blood... one of my uncles," Atrox said.
He only knew snippets of the history, after all. It wasn't like his father ever sat him down and explained anything to him.
"But after the Commander died... well. He wasn't replaced." Atrox shrugged. "I'm only going to reclaim that authority."
Frexon chuckled. "You sound so sure of yourself. First, you call yourself a Soryu, and now you want to be the Commander? This borderland needs no command. It's fine as it is now, with each Flagbearer taking care of their immediate territory."