Necessary Sacr6

Thrain Soryu, the Golden Knight, stood at the battlements that overlooked the grand castle of the Soryu Clan. It was night, and the moon cast a gentle glow down on everything. The castle grounds were strangely silent and dark; the guards that should be making constant patrols were nowhere to be seen, and the glowing crystals set into the stones were dark.

And the Master Knight, who should be on watch somewhere in one of the towers surrounding the castle, wasn't on duty. She had rushed home after hearing some disturbing news about her dear daughter and husband.

"My Lord, I have received news that the enchantment has been dealt with," Chief Ryvlan Choxa said. He was a thin man with sharp eyes. He was one of the four chiefs who ruled under the Soryu Clan—he ruled the Choxa Clan.