Atrox's essence was running low, and he still couldn't think of a way out of his current situation. Once his essence depleted and the law shielding him was removed, he would have to find a way to somehow sneak past a Knight-rank and a Riftborn Titan.
'.....i don't think I can do it..... maybe I can use the law somehow?....'
"Can the tower do long-distance teleportation? At this rate, I think we can only try to run out of the Rift. Without even knowing what happened to the others... well, seeing Steelclaw like that..." Slya let the words hang.
"We should assume they are dead or, at the very least, not able to help us now. We can only depend on ourselves, which means getting out of here," Tiber added flatly. There was no reason to mince words when they all could see what was happening, and their lives were on the line.