episode 4

Last time in swa academy

The rangers discovered that the aliens have paid dr appt to destroy the city,then he used his tech to turn people to chemicals then Axel and jax went to stop him but they were sent to the dark dimension but they destroyed him and the giant robot and dr appt was sent to the dormi pod what next is the villains planning find out in episode 4 episode attack start now

New chapter

The three rangers were busy playing pool while the girls are doing gymnastics then someone entered then gave Axel the pass that he has been nominated for the W.W.E champions which will start tomorrow evening, he explained Axel was very happy and he promise the guy not to blew his chance he told the other about what he just heard 

Jax– what of protecting the city

Axel– but this is what have been wanting to become since I was a kid

Luna– this is wrong bro,what of when the match falls to when the alien attack

Axel– am not disputing the fact that am a ranger I have to do what i love 

Jax– I can let you leave the team

Axel– am not leaving I just have to have a life after ranger or is there anything wrong

Zara– guess we cant settle this here we have to go back to the base

The rangers were about to go to the command center when Axel got a call from his coach and he left for the training he was training very hard with the guidance of his coach,so they offered him to play a match He played and won the match,after few minutes he returned back to the base

Deux----- Axel were do you go

Axel– who are you to ask,you just gave us an apartment and think you can control all of us

Deux----- I am not am also a commander in s.r.t I have been in earth awaiting your arrival, I was looking for you that day when I got a message you have landed in the year 2026 that's when i was attack and you saved me

Axel– fine I went to my wrestling training

Deux-----what!!! so you are leaving your rangers duty un answered 

Axel– no attack am I right

Jax– they might not be an attack then but sure they will be more attack and you will be needed

Luna– jax us right we really need you

Axel– meaning i should forget my dream for saving the world

Deux----- the rangers need you,and why don't you think you will think about it before you do it

Axel– I already made my decision I have to leave S.R.T 

Jax– you can do this

Deux----- leave him rangers he want what he wants his decision is made

Dr Kim– no Axel you have to reconsider

Axel– the rangers can deal with the aliens theirselves they don't need me 

And he left the base and left

The alarmed beeped

Deux----- rangers go 

They morphed and drove to the coordinates,there they met the cyborg general,the rangers used their weapons to fight the cyborgs but the cyborgs blasters were too strong they need firepower,finally the rangers are down and they took the black ranger and disappeared to their base

Jax– noooooo

The rangers returned to their base to find enough fire power to take this new threat

Dr Kim– I wish Luna wasn't taken he would have given back up

Jax– what do we do Sir

Deux----- you three prepare for battle

Jax– I think I should find Luna because I let the team down

Deux– I understand but we can afford to lose you too

Jax– we can just do nothing

Deux----- am afraid you are right,if he stays too long he might help them to build more  indestructible cyborgs go jax may the power protect you

Jax took his bike in search of the black ranger he saw a cave down the coordinents he was given he entered and saw Luna tied down and they were a lot of robots guiding the place,he broke in and used his saber on all of them and saved luna,luna told jax that he need to disconnect the power source of the robot he made for them,he disconnected it and they left the cave to help the others the four rangers were defeated by the cyborgs and almost destroyed when Axel used his strength on the ground and it strike the cyborgs were shocked

Jax– Axel 

Luna– yeah 

Then he used his strength to throw them away then the other rangers attack the cyborgs and they were defeated,but unfortunately they weren't down they blasted the rangers again but deux was already driving the rescue bus then he throwed his morpher to him,axel morphed and he blasted both of them with his double blasters and join together and blast to keep them down, they were finally down,but they pressed the remote in their hand and brought in Luna giant robot,the powers in it might be stopped but he has some powers before it was stopped,then the rangers called their zords and formed the s.r.t megazord,the robot blasted but the rangers shield and they finished him with s.r.t megazord blasters full power and the giant robot was destroyed,the cyborgs went to the the parts of the giant robot and they disappeared,the rangers went back to their base

Deux----- Axel why did you choose to come back

Axel– because I saw the good thing we have done together as a team, I remembered me swearing to save the city no matter what so I forfeited the training and came to help you I promise it won't happen again

Deux----- you are going to clean the base for one month

Axel– but it too big

Deux----- do your job

Luna– welcome back bro

Axel– it Sure good to be back

And the other rangers laughed at him as he started working t

At the evils lare emperor was angry at them because failed but they made him know that the new plan has been put to place with this giant robot part they will have access to all ranger attack on the megazord,and I also have to destroy the city with the smaller part of the giant robot is part my new weapon drilling weapon and I will destroy the planet,and their emperor told them if it doesn't work the consequences will be on their head

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