Impressive Start

The first class Harry and the other Ravenclaw first-years had was Defence Against the Dark Arts with the Hufflepuffs. The classroom stank horribly of garlic. But that wasn't the worst thing. Professor Quirrell was stuttering all the time, so getting the relevant information about what he was trying to teach them was hard. Harry was not sure if he was really qualified to teach this subject, the man seemed to be too jumpy. At the end of class Harry had come to the conclusion he would have to do a lot of self-study to not get problems with this class. Hopefully the other classes were taught by better teachers. Otherwise he wouldn't be here next year but in Beauxbatons.

The next class was History of Magic. In front of the class sat a middle aged witch with black hair in blue robes who was writing down something in a book until the bell rang. Then she looked up and took notice of every student individually. Then she started talking.

"Good morning. I'm Andromeda Tonks and your teacher in History of Magic. Until last year this class was taught by Professor Binns, a ghost who has been asked by Professor Dumbledore to finally retire. If any of you have older siblings or cousins who reported that History of Magic was a class where you can sleep, forget that right now, sleeping in my class will not be tolerated. History of Magic is an important part of your education and I intend to show you just how the past has influenced our lives today. This year we will start with the earliest forms of magic appearing, continue with the first humans to intentionally use magic, different ways magic was used in the past and the time of Merlin.

"I expect from you to pay attention to what I say and take notes. If you have a question to something I tell you, don't hesitate to ask. It's always easier to answer questions directly than after a lesson when the question could be out of context. And always remember, there are no stupid questions as long as they concern the topic we are working on. And perhaps your classmates have a similar question but don't want to ask. But this won't just be a lecture class, you will actively participate. We will have discussions about the things we cover in classes. Thinking for yourselves and asking critical questions is part of growing up. Okay, now we have to take roll-call, so I'll read out your names and you raise your hands." Professor Tonks said and started her class.

After History of Magic, Harry was happy. It had been a really good class and Professor Tonks seemed to be competent and nice. He and the other Ravenclaws talked on their way back to their common room how good that class had been. They left their books in their rooms and went back down for lunch. With lunch-break being from one o'clock until a quarter past two there was no reason to carry their bags with them. They would have more than enough time to return to the common room and get their things for the afternoon class, which today was Transfiguration.

For lunch there was roast chicken or meatballs with boiled potatoes or rice and different sauces or ketchup with three sorts of vegetables to choose from. There was pumpkin juice or water to drink. Dessert was either yoghurt with fruit or preserved fruit with juice.

In Transfiguration which the Ravenclaws had with the Gryffindors, Professor McGonagall quickly showed that she was a strict teacher and didn't tolerate any nonsense in her class. She gave a warning for those that thought that they could mess around would be asked to leave and not come back. They were impressed when she turned her desk into a pig and back, but had to realize that it would take a long time until they were at that level. After taking intensive notes they were all handed a match and told to turn it into a needle.

Soon all over the class the incantations were spoken and the students tried to do the spell. Harry recalled what he had read in one of the additional books he had got on Transfiguration. Transfiguration was a subject where you needed to work precisely and concentrate on the effect you wanted your magic to have on the matter you were changing. Well, Harry's knowledge in chemistry and physics now would prove useful. He concentrated on the difference a metal needle would have to its environment contrary to a wooden matchstick. He visualized the optical differences of both and then spoke the incantation.

"Mr Potter." Professor McGonagall called out surprised.

"Yes, Professor?" Harry asked looking between his needle on his desk and the Professor.

"Was that the first time you attempted the spell?" She asked.

"Yes, Professor." Harry answered.

"Incredible. You definitely inherited your father's talent for Transfiguration. Take ten points for Ravenclaw. Try changing the needle back." She said, giving him a rare smile.

Harry concentrated again and the needle turned into a matchstick.

"Really well done, Mr Potter. Take five more points for Ravenclaw. Here are more matchsticks, work on transfiguring first a higher number of matchsticks and then a whole box into needles for the rest of the lesson." She said and walked around watching the other students.

Hermione Granger looked at Harry as if she was annoyed that he had got the spell on his first try. At the end of the lesson, only Hermione had managed to make a difference to her matchstick, it had gone all silver and Professor McGonagall gave her three points for Gryffindor for it. Harry meanwhile had transfigured his whole box of matchsticks into a whole box of needles and shown he was far ahead of the others.

"Hey, Harry, that was a great show in the class. How did you get the transfiguration done so well?" Anthony asked.

"I have concentrated on the effects I want to achieve with the spell. Just how wood and metal are different from each other. The matter I wanted to change. Like if I put a match in a glass of water it would swim, a needle on the other hand would sink. Then the outlook of the needle. You have to see in your mind how the thing you want to get will look like to do it. It's all a question of concentration." Harry explained.

"I'll have to try that when I review the spell in the common room. Thanks for the tip, Harry." Anthony said.

"No problem, Anthony." Harry replied.

"By the way, call me Tony, Anthony is too long and all my friends call me Tony." He said.

"Sure thing, Tony." Harry said.


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