The curious child

Hello! I am You can call me 'Al. My mother is a school teacher. She is quite upset with my non-stop questions. Do you also trouble your dad and mom.

with a lot of questions? Do you ask them why birds fly and why we sleep every night? d. Why...?

I can't stop myself hasking questions. I am very curious! I love to find the answers to my questions.

Once I wanted to know how chicks hatch the from eggs. My mother told me, "Al, Mother Hen sits on eggs to batch them" 1 talk thought that it was wonderful and even I could do it! I took some eggs and sat next on them.

But puchhh... went the eggs one by one! There were no chicks, only egg stains on my pants! Mom was angry but she couldn't stop laughing as well. She gave me a bath and rubbed soap twice on me because I smelled so bad.

I did not like school when I was in your age My teacher often said that I asked too many questions. "Sit down. Al. Listen to what I say, he used to say and scolded me whenever I asked a question.

One day, he asked my parents to take me out from the school. I had been in school for only three months. My mom and dad taught me everything at home They told me that it is good to be curious

I grew up to become a famous inventor. I made many things. People around the world know me for one very important thing-the light bulb' I worked day and night to make the lig bulb. Don't you think it is a useful thing?

I am known as the world's greatest scientist I two things to say to you. One, always be curious. A a lot of questions. That is what every little girl and b should do. And, two, do not waste electricity by keepi light bulbs ON when you do not need them. Will do this for Uncle Al?