

The room was quiet except for the soft rustling of pages as I worked through the ancient book that had given me my newfound magic. The language inscribed within it was foreign and complex, the symbols almost dancing on the page if I stared too long. I wasn't fluent in demonic writing—not yet—but I was determined. Slowly, painstakingly, I pieced together the meaning of each line.

I was still on the introductory part. 

But I had learned about this power being able to pull people out of trances.

The flame I had conjured earlier that day still lingered in my thoughts, I couldn't fully understand the extent of the power I had now, but I was glad I had something to work with. I had a lot to learn though. Although demons speak the language in the same way we humans do, it is written in an entirely different way.

I learned a lot of it when I read the book in the library in the abandoned wing but this book has words that I still can't decipher.