Chapter 17: Confrontation

"Alright everyone, I wish you good luck." He said as he and coach Eze made their way under one of the trees in the stadiums.

Almost immediately the coaches had left, the scouts began making their way towards the boys. Some boys waited with bated breath to see who would approach them.

Of course everyone hoped one of the foreign scouts would approach them as it would greatly improve their chances of getting signed to a reputable academy right off the bat.

Kaiser looked around to see some boys speaking to singular scouts, while others like Peter were hounded in groups. Joshua as well had a couple scouts speaking to him and unlike him, he was full of smiles.

He glances in Kaiser's direction while showing a curt smile and mouthing the words "Thank you."

Kaiser smiled back and waved back at the boy, who was looking more happy than he had ever seen him. From the corner of his eye, Kaiser could see his mother happily making her way towards him.

Only for her path to be cut off by a group of foreign scouts who all wanted to speak with him. In doing so, they blocked off his mothers path, some even pushing her aside in an attempt to get a better view of Kaiser.

"Hello there young man, Osho was your name yeah?" One of the men asked.

"My name is Mark Stur-"

"You've pushed my mom!" Kaiser said as he made his way through the crowd of men to his mother who had just stepped aside, knowing the importance of these men to her sons dreams.

"Mom are you okay?" Kaiser asked worriedly.

"Yes osho I'm fine so don't worry about me okay? Just listen to these men that want to talk to you." She said with a polite smile.

Kaiser nodded and turned back to the group of men who's expressions were irritated. "Kid, don't you know it's very rude to leave scouts waiting?" The first man said.

"Don't you know it's very rude to push people aside?" Kaiser snapped back to the surprise of everyone.

"Osho or whatever your name is, listen here. Just because you impressed here doesn't mean you get to speak to people anyhow you please." Another scout said.

"Please forgive my son, I don't know what's gotten Into him!" Kaisers mother said while putting her hands on her sons shoulders and giving them a squeeze.

He immediately understood what she was trying to say. "Behave yourself."

"I understand I've made a mistake, I'll apologize." Kaiser said with a more relaxed expression.

"That's good, now we can-"

"AFTER, you've apologized to my mother." He added, the statement sending the scouts into a riot. As well as his mother who looked like she was about to pass out.

"What is wrong with you Oshomah?!!?" She asked while turning him around to face her.

"You know what kid? It seems you don't understand just how big of an opportunity you've thrown away. I promise you'll regret it in the future!" He said to Kaiser with a stern expression.

His mother gasped and covered her mouth with both her hands.

By this time people had noticed the commotion and he'd begun paying attention to the altercation taking place. Noticing this, the scout who had been doing all the talking this whole time decided to cool off.

"I hope you've enjoyed your little 15 minutes of fame kid, because no serious scout is going to take a look at you anymore." He said as he turned and walked towards the direction of another one of the players.

As he watched the man walk away, he felt his mothers hands roughly turning him to face her.

"Oshomanoya what is your problem?! Why would you disrespect them like that?!" She blurted out.

"Because they disrespected you first." He responded calmly.

"Osho I was fine, I didn't complain. I wasn't even Injured." She said, gesturing towards her body as if to prove her point.

"Mom, even after pushing you, they couldn't even apologize. If they can't respect my mother, how could they ever respect me." Kaiser said, his statement causing his mother to pause and stay silent for a moment.

After which she broke Into a small laugh. "Sometimes I really do wonder if you're actually 14 years old. You talk like an old man sometimes." She said as she held her son close.

"It's still me don't worry." He said as he broke I to a laugh.

"Besides mom, don't worry. There could still be other scouts that would be interested in me. If not, I could always still stay in this aca-"

"Excuse me please." A voice from behind the mother and son interrupted.

Turning around to see who the voice belonged to, they saw an elderly man with gray hair swept back, his pale white skin flushed from the relentless Abuja heat. His loose linen shirt clung slightly to his back, and he had a leather satchel slung over one shoulder.

Standing beside him was a girl of about fourteen, her long dark hair tied into a messy ponytail. She wore a simple sundress, sneakers that looked too clean for the dusty environment, and oversized sunglasses that shielded her curious eyes as she scanned the field with an air of boredom.

"Could I possibly speak wit you both for a moment?"