Vol. 1: Chapter 42 - Foothold

The day of the results finally arrived.

"Quiet down, students. Homeroom's about to start," Chabashira-sensei said as she strode inside the classroom.

At that moment, Ike raised a question.

"Sae-chan-sensei, we were told that the results would be out today, but when exactly?"

"Hmm, you're right. I was supposed to show you the results in the afternoon homeroom, but getting to it now rather than later isn't really a bad idea." Chabashira-sensei suggested.

It seems like she's already used to the nickname that Ike and his gang gave her.

Chabashira-sensei took out a poster and pasted it on the blackboard. She totally expected Ike's question, didn't she?

When she faced us again, Chabashira-sensei was smiling warmly. Anyone can tell that she was genuinely happy with the results.

"You've produced stellar results in your first-semester midterm exams. I have acknowledged your efforts wholeheartedly, Class B," she said.


"So high!"

"Look at those 100's!"

There were ten rows of students who scored 100 points in all five subjects. They included me, Horikita, Mii-chan, Kushida, Hirata, Yukimura, Matsushita, Professor, Nishimura, and Kouenji.

Impressive, he really didn't need those test questions. I guess his mock test results weren't a fluke.

"Congratulations to some of you who scored perfectly across the board. Not only that, I would like to commend everyone for passing with flying colors," she said.

"Hell yeah!" Ken cheered after seeing his scores.

"No one failed, huh? What was the passing grade, Sensei?" asked Horikita.

"Oh, you're curious? The passing grade this time was 44 points."

Ken still had the lowest overall score, but they were much higher than his mock test results. His lowest score, English, was still 68 points. Ken was a whole 24 points above it.

"44 points...?" Horikita muttered with a slightly confused expression.

"I can tell you how the passing grade is calculated." Chabashira-sensei grabbed a piece of chalk and started writing on the blackboard. "Each class will have its own class average score for each subject. Let's take the subject with the lowest average score, which is English. If we take every one of your scores, we'll get an average of 87.55 points. If we divide that by 2, we'll get 43.78 points. Round it off accordingly, and the passing grade for English would be 44 points. The passing grade for every other subject was also 44 points, which is convenient."

The explanation was easy to digest, so the class nodded understandingly.

"That makes sense," said Hirata.

Chabashira-sensei lets everyone enjoy their high exam scores. As our homeroom teacher, it was natural for Chabashira-sensei to be proud of her students.

"Well then, I guess that's it for the results. Take your seats and keep quiet because the next class will start soon," she reminded. "Goodbye."

When class ended, my schedule instantly became jam-packed. I was supposed to hang out with the Ayanokouji Group to celebrate Ken's survival. Then, at a later time, the tutors will be celebrating as a group, too. I haven't even mentioned the amount invites I got from my other classmates...

Regardless, the first hurdle has been overcome. I guess it wouldn't do any harm if I improved my interpersonal relationships even more.