"Oh that's it...make it feel good, sweetie

Monica gazed down at the obvious protrusion in the blankets. "You have a hard-on silly...just like you did yesterday and last night....and this morning...and this afternoon and dozens of times in between I'm sure. " she giggled flirtingly.

"Yeah, it does get like that a lot." Alex blushed.

"Well, that's because it's trying to tell you something."

"Tell me what?"

Monica looked into his eyes with a innocent smile. "What do you think? When a penis gets hard it mean it needs to be masturbated to orgasm. Sweetie, when was the last time you took care of yourself?"

"Yesterday morning," he answered.

"Yesterday morning?! Alex Hill, you can't be serious." Monica said sympathetically.

"Well, we've been kinda busy, Mom."

"I know, baby, but you need to make sure you always take time out of your day for things like that...no matter what's going on." Monica said.

Alex glanced towards the door. "Well, I guess I could go into the bathroom and take care of it real quick."

"Don't be ridiculous. This is your bedroom. You shouldn't have to retreat down the hallway every time you need to masturbate." Monica said.

"I know, but now that we're sharing a room and everything, maybe I..." Alex started then his mom cut him off.

"Hey, we had this discussion yesterday. Erections and masturbation are a perfectly natural part of life and we're both grown adults, remember?"

Alex still seemed a bit uncomfortable. "I know, Mom...it just seem a little weird, that's all."

Monica smiled as she sat up and tucked her legs to one side. "You're just silly. Scootch over here and lay your head on my lap."

Alex slid over and rested his head against his mom's legs. He felt the breath being sucked from his lungs as he caught site of the underside of her protruding breasts through the flimsy nightie looming over his face. Monica peeked over the swell of her enormous boobs, smiling down at him.

"Are you comfy?"

"Yeah," he whispered.

"Which hand do you use to stroke yourself off with?" Monica asked.

"My left."

"That's what I figured. Bring it up here to my mouth," she said.

Alex brought his hand up and Monica spit out some saliva into it. "That should get you started until your penis starts leaking out it's precum."

"Ohh umm...okay." Alex muttered, his heart pounding. "Holy fuck, was this really happening?" He thought.

Monica stroked his cheek tenderly. "Hey...I want you to just relax and give yourself some pleasure okay? Just like you would if I wasn't here."

Alex nodded, then reached under the comforter, where his hardness had already found its way out of the fly in his boxers and was standing tall and proud.

He coated the tip with Monica's spit and started to twist his fist around it. As he began jerking on his rod he looked up again to find his own loving mom smiling down at him.

"There, now doesn't that feel better?" She whispered.

"Yeah." Alex muttered.

Her big gleaming green eyes were enough to make him melt. "I'm so glad we can share this," she said.

Monica looked over and watched the blanket rise and fall from her son's jerking. He gradually increased his pace and she looked back down at him, then again at the blanket. Alex could see the thrill in her expression.

"Oh that's it...make it feel good, sweetie," she said.

Alex gazed up at the underside of his mom's breasts. Two huge curves of tit-flesh that he was making tremble from his steady fisting.

A lewd creamy sound filled the room as precum now trickled in a constant stream from Alex's piss-slit and lubricated his shaft.

Alex mustered up enough courage to ask his mom the unavoidable. "What about you, Mom? You must need to...you know, masturbate too sometimes."

Monica giggled. "More times than I like to admit."

"Well...you can always join me you know."

Monica fed him a quirky little smile. "That wouldn't...bother you?"

Alex smiled, still stroking steadily. "Why would it bother me? This is your bedroom too right?"

"True...guess I shouldn't be afraid to follow some of my own advice huh?"

"Lift up a sec." Monica slid out from under him and replaced her lap with a comfy pillow for her son.

She sprawled out on her back right beside him and slid under the covers.

Monica turned her head and kissed Alex on the cheek. "Are you sure you don't mind if I masturbate with you?"

"Of course not," he answered, trying to conceal his excitement.

"And promise me you won't tell anyone we did this. I mean it sweetie, it's just between us okay?"

Alex nodded as he watched his mom slip her hand under the blanket. "Don't worry, Mom...I'm not like Maria. I can keep my mouth shut," he giggled.

"Your sister has the biggest mouth on the planet." Monica joked.

"I won't argue with that."

"Mmmmhhh." Monica sighed as she started rubbing her engorged clitoris.

If Alex's penis wasn't throbbing before, it certainly was now. He felt it flex in his gooey fist.

Mom and son looked up at the ceiling as they stroked on their genitals. Alex could hear his mother's sharp QUIVERING BREATH as she pleasured herself beside him.

"O-o-ohh yeah, this is soo nice!" Monica said in a sighing whispered.

Alex kept a steady pace, jerking on his throbbing cock-rod. "Yeah it is."

Monica lets out a SHARP BREATH, jerking her head to one side and throwing her knees back. 

Alex could see her arm shaking rapidly and knew that she was frantically rubbing her pussy beneath the covers.

"Ohhh...feels soooo good," she whispered.

Alex felt his mom's free hand slide into his and they interlaced their fingers together. She squeezed his hand tightly as she let out another quivering GASP.

Suddenly Monica winced and arched her back. "Oh God, I'm gonna cum!!!"

It was the most amazing thing Alex had ever seen. There he layed on his back stroking his big dick and watching his own busty mom flop around like a fish beside him. It was almost surreal.

"OH SHIT SWEETIE, I'M CUMMING!" Monica's little voice cried, trying not to be too loud.

She continue her relentless assault on her clit. Her gorgeous mommy-body bounced on the mattress a few more times, then she rolled onto her side against her son.

The hot mom let out a muffled grunt against his bare shoulder. "UUUNNGGHH!!"

"Oh wow, Mom!" Alex muttered, stroking furiously. His peter was so fucking hard it felt as though it was gonna take off like a rocket.

With her hand still tucked down between her legs, Monica rolled up against her son's chest. She stared off into space, her eyes glazed with lust, a look of wild euphoric pleasure washed acrossed her face.

"I need more," her voice quivered softly.

One of her silky legs slid across Alex's dick and before he knew it, his mom was litererally on top of him with her face against his neck. He could feel her little hand tucked inside her panties, rubbing swiftly across her love button. He was now reaching up under one of her legs, keeping a tight stroking grasp on his cum-lathered organ.

Monica let out a little WHIMPER and Alex could see her luscious ass start to do a little bounce up and down beneath the covers. He slid his free hand across her back, as if holding onto her. 

His entire bare chest was plastered in soft squishy tit-flesh and he could literally feel them sloshing between them.

"OH DAMN!" Alex's voice muttered.


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