Chapter 112 A Captain's Odd Fascination

"Really? Is there really such a place?" Ryo asked casually, placing the gifts he had prepared for Krista on the table.

Mikasa glanced up from the book she was reading. "I don't know, but it's described in this book."

The book, a banned one on the island, had captured Mikasa's attention. It spoke of places far beyond the walls—snow-capped mountains, vast deserts, and massive saltwater lakes. To her and others like Armin and Eren, these tales offered glimpses of a world they could only dream of.

Ryo chuckled. "Banned books are probably banned for two reasons: either the content isn't true, or the government doesn't want us knowing what's beyond the walls."

His dark green cloak of the Survey Corps hung loosely over his shoulders, paired with his three-dimensional maneuvering gear. It was a stark contrast to the khaki combat uniforms, and Ryo took pride in the look—it made him feel ready for any challenge.

Tossing a small bundle toward Mikasa, he said, "Here, maltose. I thought you'd like it. I'll bring dinner when I get back. Stay put and rest."

Mikasa caught the bundle, her expression softening. "Thank you," she whispered, but Ryo was already out the door.


In another part of the camp, Captain Hanji was in her element—or rather, deep in one of her bizarre experiments. A restrained titan loomed before her, its limbs tightly bound, though its head remained mobile.

"Oh, Hans, you're so cute!" Hanji exclaimed, naming the restrained titan. She leaned dangerously close, inspecting its features with unsettling fascination.

The soldiers stationed nearby were on edge, their eyes darting between Hanji and the titan.

"Captain Hanji, please step back! It's too dangerous!" one of them shouted.

"Yes, Captain! Be careful! What if it tries to bite?" another soldier added.

Almost on cue, the titan snapped its massive jaws at Hanji, narrowly missing her by a hair's breadth. She activated her maneuvering gear just in time, darting away and landing gracefully on the ground.

"Wow, that was close!" Hanji grinned, brushing herself off like nothing had happened. "Hans, you're cheeky, aren't you? Are you upset you couldn't eat me?"

The soldiers groaned in frustration. "Captain, please take this seriously!"

Unbothered, Hanji continued her one-sided conversation with the titan, much to the dismay of her team.

At that moment, Ryo entered the scene, taking in the chaos with a raised eyebrow. "Hanji, are you looking for me?"

Hanji lit up when she saw him. "Ryo! Perfect timing! Come here and help me with Hans!"

Before Ryo could respond, the titan lunged at Hanji again. His instincts kicked in, and with a swift maneuver, he pulled Hanji out of harm's way.

"Captain Hanji, are you okay?" Ryo asked, his voice laced with concern. His eyes remained fixed on the titan, wary of its next move.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Hanji replied, unfazed. "Hans is just a little shy. Isn't that right, Hans?"

Ryo couldn't help but scratch his head at her carefree attitude. Glancing at the other soldiers, he saw their helpless expressions. Clearly, they were used to this by now.

"Captain," Ryo began, his tone exasperated, "why don't you tell me what you need me to do before you get yourself eaten?"

Hanji finally turned her attention to him, though only briefly. "Oh, don't worry about me. But I could use your help analyzing Hans here. He's quite the specimen!"

Ryo sighed, shaking his head. "Hans, huh? I don't think he appreciates the name," he muttered, watching the titan struggle against its bindings.

Hanji, oblivious to the tension in the air, grinned. "Oh, don't be so shy, Hans! If you won't cooperate, we might have to resort to... unfriendly measures!"

Ryo glanced at the titan, then back at Hanji. "Unfriendly measures?" he echoed, a smirk tugging at his lips. "You really do feel sorry for these things, don't you?"

Hanji laughed. "Of course not! But it's all in the name of science!"

Ryo couldn't help but admire her passion, even if it bordered on madness. Despite her eccentric ways, Hanji was undeniably brilliant—and fearless.

For now, though, Ryo resigned himself to the task ahead. "Fine," he said. "Let's see what Hans has to say."