In a future where Earth is ruled by megacorporations and intergalactic syndicates, humanity has developed advanced martial arts that merge technology with the ancient art of combat. Amidst this dystopian chaos, Kairo Zenith, a skilled anti-hero with a dark past, finds himself at the center of a conspiracy involving a mysterious artifact known as the Shadow Nexus. This artifact grants unimaginable power, but it also draws the attention of dangerous factions across the galaxy.
Kairo’s journey thrusts him into a chaotic mix of high-tech battles, mysterious interdimensional realms, and an unwanted harem of quirky yet powerful allies, all while grappling with his own inner demons. With his cynical demeanor and brutal fighting style, Kairo walks the fine line between hero and villain as he pursues his own selfish goals—until he’s forced to make a choice that will shape the fate of the universe.
look so much better than cringe novel 🤣 it has potential to be a top novel
novel is too much good 😊 i like it it is so much better than other cringe novel
This novel is too good character design and overall story is too good
man this novel is better than today cringe novels this novel had potential to be best support this story