The next morning I woke up with the sunlight streaming through the flaps of our tents casting a warm golden light across the fabric. I stretched on the bed with a slight yawn and then turned to my side only see that I was the only one in the tent.
The bedroll Reagan laid on the ground had completely disappeared completely, almost like he didn't sleep in this tent and that the apology he had muttered last night hadn't happened.
I stared down at my hand on the bed, I could still feel the warmth of Reagan's hand on mine as he held me throughout the night.
Truth was even though I had told him that I was fine, I actually wasn't. The nightmare shook me to the very core and Reagan had decided to hold my hand not saying anything and just like that sleep had claimed me.
Now, I woke up with this empty feeling in my chest. Reagan just confused the fuck out of me, there were times where I can't figure out if he hated me or cared about me!