The Punch Line

Reagan led me to a place that was far away from the campsite. He led me through the dense forest, the sounds of birds and rustling of trees filled the air. I could also hear the sort crunch of leaves beneath our feet and the distant call of a raven circling above. 

Reagan didn't say a word but just strolled ahead with that stiff sulky stride that made me want to grab a rock off the ground and hurl it at his damn head. 

When he was sure that we were far away from the ground. Reagan turned to look at me and I stared back at him expectantly, waiting to see why he brought me so deep out into the woods. There is also the fact that he interrupted me in the middle of a good breakfast. 

For a minute Reagan simply stared at me, not saying anything. I was starting to get tired of the silence, so I arched a brow up at him while shifting my weight from one foot to the other.