Don't Make Me Regret It


"I still can't believe you rode all the way out here just to come save me." I said to Dahlia who was seated on my horse, she was riding with me.

Dahlia didn't respond and continued to stare ahead. A silent protest to when I demanded she ride with me instead of riding on her own horse like she initially wanted. I had told her there was no way she was going to be riding alone when there was no telling how safe the road was going to be.

Of course, Dahlia being the stubborn dark haired beauty that she was argued with me that she could handle herself just fine but eventually I won the argument by claiming that if she doesn't get her sweet ass on the saddle, I will strap her to it myself.

I was jerk, I know that but I had no choice! The more time we spent arguing the more time we give the Kashkil reinforcements time to catch up to us.