The Lady Of The House

"You look stunning." Heather whispered for the third time that night.

I smiled unable to stop myself from admiring the dress. It was truly stunning, very beautiful and it looked like it had been made specifically for me. It was a blue dress with sliver embroidery that glitters when the light shines on it. It was also cinched around the waist but not so tight and if people looked closer they will be able to see the small bump that was already starting to form on my stomach.

But there was no denying that the dress was stunning, it was both elegant and comfortable. Reagan chose well and the thought that he did all of this with careful consideration made my heart flutter in ways that I wasn't ready to admit, not yet anyway.

Heather carefully wove pearls into my hair before she did it in a very delicate updo that brought out my face. She motioned towards the tray of jewelry that had been carefully picked out silently asking me which one I would wear.