A tea party!
That was my grand plan, invite Celeste out to tea along with the rest of the ladies. Well I didn't know that many people, so I sent out an invitation to the one person I knew, Lady Ivana and I in turn asked her to invite the other ladies for a tea party.
I had a hall the garden decorated fancily. Precious flowers adorned the space and the tables held dainty patterns and exquisite ceramic teacups designed for this special day. The finest contraption used to brew tea combined with several honey cake and lavender biscuit scents. The appearance indicated complete perfection in the room.
The dress I wore was a lilac colored attire with lace details on my sleeve edges. The strands of my hair hung deliberately from my pinned up style creating a graceful effortless appearance. The entire day needed to showcase elegance because this event promised friendly dialogs and genial smiles among guests.