That’s favoritism

Leora must have noticed me shivering because, without saying a word, she reached into the folds of her coat and pulled out a thick, fur-lined jacket before tossing it at me. I barely managed to catch it before it smacked me in the face.

"Put that on before you freeze to death," she said, exasperated.

I blinked down at the coat. It was nice—deep red, lined with black fur around the collar and cuffs, and warm as hell when I slipped it on.

I zipped it up quickly, sighing in relief. "Thanks, great-grandma."

Leora smirked. "Try not to make me regret it."

Before I could make a snarky comeback, she clapped her hands together, drawing everyone's attention. "Alright! I'm not waiting for all of you to trudge through this snow like lost ducklings. Stay close—we're teleporting."