Pirates vs. Dinosaurs 3

Rowena had terrible taste in movies.

I mean, really terrible.

The kind of movies where the dialogue sounded like it was written by someone who had never actually spoken to another human being before.

The kind where the action scenes were so over-the-top ridiculous that they somehow looped back around to being entertaining.

The kind where the main character was some buff, shirtless warrior who fought off an army of evil cyborg pirates with nothing but a toothpick and the power of friendship.

And yet, somehow, I didn't mind.

I curled up on the couch, my legs tucked under me, watching as Rowena shoved another handful of popcorn into her mouth.

She was completely engrossed, her eyes glued to the screen like this was the most intense cinematic masterpiece ever created.

I should've been making fun of her. Normally, that's exactly what I'd do. But tonight, I just let her enjoy it.