
The hallway they walked down only had a right turn if they kept walking straight and from what Ridge had remembered it eventually led to a left turn straight to the bridge doors. In between the bridge doors and them now were of course some extra rooms, but at this point, Ridge didn't really want to explore for any more supplies.

With the group once again readied this time with one extra weapon they moved forward once again. The entire journey had taken them around twenty minutes to get from the back of the ship where the engine room was to the bridge since the ship was around one in a half kilometers long, which meant they weren't exactly exhausted but the people carrying the supplies had to give it over to others since the two boxes themselves were slightly heavy and everybody else while not physically fatigued were most certainly mentally fatigued from needing to be one hundred percent focused at all times.

Ridge also knew this so he wanted to quicken their pace and get it all over and done with. Whilst they were walking down the hallway they finally made it to the right turn Ridge remembered and looking to the right, he furrowed his brows and looked down at the debris. Typically he wouldn't be bothered to focus on the debris so much, but as he bent down to examine he noticed that every few pieces were seemingly pointing at the end of the hall.

"Hmm, this debris has been moved, be careful, we are likely to encounter someone or something at the left of this hallway at the end. We will continue checking these few doors that are in front of us, but just make sure you stay even more focused."

The rest of the group of course acknowledged his orders and they walked a little more tightly formed than before. Checking the rooms one by one they found only extra supplies and a couple of suits that could be useful for repairs or replacements. Finally, they made it to the end of the hallway. Just at the corner, Ridge put his finger up to his mouth and indicated for the group to remain quiet, he heard a sort of scuffling noise. He sneakily made it to the corner and poked his head around only to have his heart drop to his throat.

There was a large amount of infection banging against the door where the bridge was. Groping around with his wrist panel he began to type out some words quietly while the rest sat quiet and in confusion. Once he finished typing he held it up for everyone to see.

'There are a ton of infected at the end of the hall seemingly trying to get into the bridge, we will have to use the plasma guns to mow a lot of them down and then have our three swords used to finish off what remains. This will likely damage the ship, but not enough to the point where it will be substantial. The front part of the ship where the bridge is located is the most reinforced so don't be afraid to cause damage.'

The rest of the group was slightly alarmed after reading the message that was written and before they could speak aloud Ridge indicated with his hand to keep the volume low.

"Okay, Caroline, Morad, and I will shoot with the plasma rifles, with the amount of ammo we have we could probably kill quite a few, however, this hallway isn't particularly long so we can probably only get off about two bursts in total. Luckily plasma rifles also have a penetrative quality to them so as long as you don't miss and hit the ship the infected should die in three or more at a time with the guns," Ridge said while whispering very quietly, " George, Falley, and Sonny, you guys will take the swords and stand behind us in the meantime while we are shooting and once we can't shoot you move forward and begin slicing like your life depends on it."

The five pointed-out members nodded and the rest of the crew also acknowledged the plan. Ridge sighed aloud and before they began he abruptly lifted his head as if a lightbulb had lit up, he came up with another idea.

"The rest of you will also stand behind us, but after we finish shooting throw the rest of the debris you are carrying at the infected. With the size of the pieces we have we could trip up a few of them once they get closer which will make it much easier for our swordsmen to clean up. Hopefully, there will be a small amount left so that they can quickly kill with as little trouble as possible using the help of the extra debris blocking the pathway," Ridge said while slightly smiling.

Seeing him so confident also managed to bolster the morale of the others who were a little more worried. Luckily this group was also much more trained and disciplined since six were actual soldiers and the rest had trained a little bit being under Caroline who was a captain and also leader of an engineering team.

"Let's do this," Ridge said before grabbing his rifle and an extra magazine just in case. The others also followed suit and they were ready to fight.

With six of them moving in front, three with rifles and three with swords they lined up facing the end of the hallway that had a bunch of infected. Seeing that they weren't paying attention Ridge immediately let out an order whilst aiming down sights with his rifle," Fire."

Tightening his finger he pressed the trigger and immediately a slight powering up sounded out and three bursts from each person sounded out. Zooming sounds emitted from the lasers that shot out and with slight recoil Ridge made sure to hold tightly to the gun.

The lasers from each person penetrated the backlines of the group of infected which killed around nine immediately, seeing the results Ridge was happy, however, because of the noise and also the commotion from the nine infected dying, the rest of the group immediately turned around, and began roaring towards the group of twelve humans daring to fight them.

With wailing sounds that almost mimicked the suffering of humans, they charged quickly. Ridge seeing this immediately aimed to fire another round. The others also quickly followed suit and once again the humming of the rifles powering up sounded out, following this green lasers zoomed out of the barrels and killed another batch of zombies.

Feeling the gun heat up a bit, Ridge was slightly worried, but as he was aiming up he also noticed that the zombies were closing quickly. Their lines were thinned out, but they looked to still outnumber them.

"Fire quickly! Also, get ready to move back a bit, everyone else get ready to throw your debris," Ridge quickly barked out while aiming down sights.

Once again another volley of lasers shot out and penetrated the group of infected. With the collapse of their frontline, some did trip over now pierced and dead bodies, but others advanced at a very rapid pace, and they began to close in on the group being only a few feet away.

With adrenaline pumping the three quickly moved back and the three swordsman took their place, not before of course the others threw over a bunch of metal debris that even managed to skewer a fewer infected. Unfortunately, none tripped and Ridge's genius idea didn't do much except kill a few extra infected.

A clash inevitably happened and the three swordsmen Sonny, George, and Falley took a defensive stance. With grunts, they blocked plenty of claw-like attacks and even some infected trying to bite them. Occasionally managing enough space to swing their swords they managed to cut down a few, but they were only three after all so they were having difficulties.

Ridge seeing this aimed his gun once more and quickly pulled the trigger. Three bursts of plasma lasers bypassed George's right ear who was left immediately stunned and in that time two infected in front of him died. 

Getting out of his stunned state George took the space to swing his sword wildly and managed to cut down another two that were about to close in on him once more. Doing this freed up room for the others and soon enough with the help of some soldiers who grabbed more debris to throw, they killed every single infected leaving a hallway of dead bodies. The short battle lasted a good five minutes and after they had finished George, Sonny, and Falley quickly sat down to rest while panting.

Ridge quickly came up to them, "Everybody good?"

"Yes sir, no bites or anything just out of breath. I didn't expect them to turn out so strong," George answered while panting and the other two simply nodded.

Seeing that everything was fine Ridge let Aleah who knew first aid examine them and he quickly called out to the rest of the group, "The rest of you grab the two boxes we have and get ready to move out," looking at the end of the hallway while speaking he continued, "Since the infected were accumulated here, the rest of the survivors will probably be in the bridge. Let's hope at least."

The rest of the group grabbed some extra debris for weapons and carefully avoided the corpses of the infected. Ridge also unloaded the magazine from his weapon and looked at the indicator at the top. It was no longer green. He cast aside the magazine and took out from one of the pockets of his suit another magazine and loaded it in the gun.

The other two also made sure to check their ammunition, but since they only fired around two shots they still had another burst left.

Ridge decided to have the group rest for a short minute or two, they would then move towards the bridge and reunite with the others. There was probably no other infected on the ship and they already examined the damage to the ship's power which was of course patched up now so they could take their time realistically even if the situation was screwed up and Ridge planned to take advantage of that time to let everyone's adrenaline die down.