Mortal domain part-2

Boys walking in the road with stalls of food stopped hearing the low growling sound Grrr Tai yang with an embarassed look on his face with cheeks turning slightly red " ha ha sorry for delaying you brother but can we take some food from the stall first , I am quite hungry ".

Tei and xing with a funny lough " ha ha ofcourse , we can stopby to a shop ".

Three boy walking through road full of people and different types of stall selling herbs , wepons and food . stopping in front of a wooden shop without any decoration an old lady with bright smile and wrinkled face wearing very simple clothes like old any ordinary old grandma , sitting in chair behind the food counter "Ha Ha It's little Tei and little Xing come you must be hungry take some dumplings with you ".

Tei lu with small smile on his face thinking of past , old grandma always helps us and is very kind that's why we don't come here very often she always offers us dumpling saying they are cold and customer don't want cold one but she gives us fresh dumplings , how can we take advantage of her .

Tai yang with eyes filled with joy wiping his drool from his mouth " It smells very good please give me 10 dumplings grandma " .

Xing with croocked smile on his face as if cought off guard ,wow he must be hungry from weeks that he is taking that much .

Old woman with kindest smile on her face packing the ten dumplings handing them to Tai yang " boy here , take your dumplings ".

Tai yang moving his hand forward as he felt something hot " aah aah it's hot it's hot ".

Xing making face with his eyes popping out wow is he an idiot if he can't see well why is he touching things randomly.

Tei lu controlling his lough took Water in glass and pouring on Tai yang's hand " ha ha ha wow you must be an idot to touch things from the food shop without having an eyesight ".

( Bro literally read mind of xing and exactly same thing ).

Tai yang blowing his hand with air from mouth with embarassed lough " he he yeah I got care out of hunger".

Tai yang taking out small pouch from his robe "Grand ma how much for the ten dumplings ".

Grandma with same kind and gentle smile on her face making one comfortable " no no it's alright how can I take money from freind of little Tei and little xing and xing take these dumplings with four dumplings with you ".

Tai yang with clueless face " Grandma you didn't actually thought I would eat all that by myself right tell me the cost for dumplings , I will pay for it I can't eat food without paying money ".

Grandma with sigh as if defeated by boys refusal " ok it cost one tier1 crystal for Four dumplings but just give two you are little Tei and little Xing 's friend ".

Tai yang with happy face as if satisfied by rate handing 2 crystal's from the pouch on his hand " here take it grandma and thankyou for the discount ".

A naked man only wearing pants and shoes with huge frame and a cut mark which seemed to caused by a slash and healed but left mark on the stomach stoping in front shop and sitting on the chair with thud " Hey old hag give me Eight dumplings fast ".

Old woman taking out dumplings with haste gaving the packes dumplings to man with anxious face and trembling voice" sir it would be two teir1 Crystal ".

The man showing fury on old women kicking to breaking the wooden food counter " old hag you dare ask for money from me ".

Crowd starting to gather around the stall, a man wearing black robe with beard on his face with expression of disgust on his face " It looks like this is about to start again,that dog has already destroyed many shops".

Swish! without anyone noticing a small boy three times smaller then the man holding his huge leg with single hand .

Everyone shocked by the sudden appearance of small child in blue robes brown hair falling on his forehead with his eyelids gently resting over making a cold face making one wonder how can some with such cute face make that kind of look .

Same man wearing the black robe stepping forward with worried look on his face " Boy don't involve yourself for nothing he is a cultivator with 9 star Soldier cultivation ".

Tai yang with the cold look as if not hearing the man's warning " you have cultivation of 9 star Soldier and you are in your late twenties and you still create such commotion , Just pay the price for food and scram ".