The Mysterious Boy

Now in present in front of dumpling shop at market...

A small boy wearing plane blue robes with dirty here and there with his eyelids gently resting over and an expressionless face ,holding leg of a person in air as if holding a stick with ease " You have such low cultivation but still dare to cause ruckes in the market , truly a low like person huh " .

A huge man thrice the size of boy , jumping back as if escaping from the grasp of boy . Clenching his teeth and eyes wide open with confused look on his face (his kid , why do I not feel any Qi from him yet he.. he Stopped my puch with ease) shouting laudly " boy down you think you can defeat me just because you a stopped single punch of mine , i will show my real power now ".

Man ready to fight for real infusing his whole body with QI running towards boy with fast speed .

jumping infront of boy and gathering Qi on his fist . The air arround the fist suddering so slightly " thunder pounch ".

Boy as if feeling where attack was coming from , taking his wooden stick which looked to be plane with some patterns on it which looked to be patterns of clouds .

Tai yang Swinging the stick with the swift motion and dodging all together . the heavy pounch emiting slight thunders from fist boy hit the man at his stomach with wooden stick " jinrai you are actually so dumb to think that you are strongest just because there are not much cultivaters on this area ".

The man (jinrai) fell to the ground with the loud thud . Everyone around the two people fighting in market murmuring

"Ha ha That basterd totally deserved it

, it's good that someone thought him a lesson,but who is that kid he defeated that guy with such an ease ".

A 6 foot tall man mask on his face,wearing black robes in the hord of people " wow who was that kid it seemed that he doesn't possess any Qi yet he still defeated that man ".

Another man beside him wearing same dress with mask on his face not revealing any emotions or thing that he thinks . With an small voice " it doesn't matter Don't worry about it and I felt it , that the kid had not a single bit of Qi on him, also i didn't sense anything arround his eyes ".

The man in black robes with a lough " ha ha you are right let's go we are going to be late for auction if we wait any more time ".

An old man with his beard reaching to the chin . His weathered skin lined with deep wrinkles, particularly around his eyes and mouth wearing the plane white robe .

Even wearing plane white robes the air arround him excuse aura of athourity.

Old man wearing plane white robes touching his beard and sighing with an of disappointment . Slightly dropping eyes , accompanied by subtle shake of the head looking at who was standing with Xing and Tei .

" sigh What a shame , this boy possess such talent but has no Qi on his body and i can't sense his eyes either ,well it can't be helped i should get going ".

Tai yang standing with Tei , Xing and old grandma with an Auquard and forced smile on his face .

Xing with eyes Wide and sparkling, as if lit from within.His cheeks Flushed with color form excitement " Wow brother Tai yang you are awesome ,you are so strong ".

Meanwhile Tei lu getting suspicious of Tai yang with a look as is saying ( why did you act like you cannot see in front of us ).

Three boys taking path from the Ally and started walking to the outermost area of city arround jungle .

Xing with dazzling eyes looking at Tai yang " wow brother Tai yang ,how exactly did you become so strong , we couldn't even see you . You were with us and in the next instant you were in front of that BIG BULLY , how did you do it ".

Tei lu face disorted not knowing the intention of Boy in front of him pretending to be blind with a clear voice " why do you pretend to be blind , i know you can see ?".

Tei lu clenching his fist , i don't know his intentions but at least i should try my best to protect my little brother and sister , I can't let him go to home without his intentions .

Tai yang stopped walking , with a small but warm and gentle smile on his face. In low and smooth Voice " I know you are suspicious of me but trust me i don't intend to harm you or your little brother and sister ".

Tei lu wide eyed with a blank expression on his face sweat drippy from his face " how did he know about our siblings in home , no one knows of them , maybe he really doesn't mean harm , but what if .. ".

Everyone stopping in front of a small house made of wood and a small door on it with handle .

Xing with a forced smile on his face " he he brother Tai yang we have reached this is our house come let's go ".

A loud voice from behind " stop ".

Tai raising turning around seeing Tei lu. his eyebrows with calm look " we have reached to your house right , what happened ".

Tei with sweat tricling drown from forehead with soft voice " you really don't mean harm right , we can trust you right".