Chapter 7

The carriage moves steadily along the winding path. Its huge wheels gliding smoothly over cobblestones and it's muffled by the thick layers of straw scattered on the ground to dampen the noise. Cordelia sits on the plush seat while her small hands are gripping the edge as if letting go will wake her from this dream. She can't look away from the window where the world seems to rush by in dazzling splashes of color and life.

Every details she sees outside is enchanting her. The huge buildings with their intricate stonework, the carts full of flowers that is being pulled through the bustling streets, and even the wizards lighting the streetlights with their magic truly fascinates her. It's as if this is the perfect time Cordelia should accept the fact that she's into a completely different world now.

This is also her first time she getting out and sees the world outside. Even in her first life, Cordelia was always stuck in the hospital. The doctors who monitored her check-ups said her body was too weak and she could easily get sick.

"Mommy, look!" Cordelia said while pointing at a vendor selling ribbons in every color imaginable. "The ribbons looks sparkling too!"

"That's right, my darling. It's because those ribbons were enchanted with charm magic." Viviane, sitting opposite her, answered her with a soft smile on her lips.

She's happy to see her daughter's enthusiasm. Cordelia's voice right now carries a melody she hadn't heard in years. It sounds so pure and filled with unguarded joy.

"Charm magic?" Cordelia asked.

"Yes. It's a harmless magic that can make something become more attracting to our eyes."


Right. Cordelia almost forget that magic is existing in this world. This is a fantasy world where kingdoms, royalties, wizards and magic are existing. Even the people's appearances here are different from her previous world.

"They are beautiful." Viviane said while looking at the vendor who is energetically selling his colorful ribbons. "If you like, we can visit the markets one day and choose some for your hair.

Cordelia's eyes widen at the idea. Even if she tries to restraint herself and tries to act matured, the things she sees around her is making it difficult to accomplish.

"Really? Can I have one in every color?"

Viviane chuckles lightly.

"Of course, Cordelia. Choose every color and buy as many as you want."

Cordelia beams in happiness as she feels her heart fluttering with excitement. She turns back to the window with her small fingers pressing against the glass. It is not just the sights that captivated her but also how the carriage moves around her. This is her first time riding a huge carriage and Cordelia savors its by remembering the gentle sway of the carriage and the rhythmic clatter of hooves on stone.

While Cordelia is happily looking at the fascinating things around them, she doesn't notice how Viviane looks at her. The female General watches her daughter with a bittersweet ache in her chest. It shouldn't have been this way.

Cordelia's wide-eyed wonder at something so ordinary is a cruel reminder of all the joy she had been denied. While Viviane was sacrificing her life in the battlefield, she had no idea Cordelia was also being treated poorly that almost cost her life. A sudden lump forms in Viviane's throat, but she swallows it down. She refuses to let her sorrow dampen her daughter's happiness right now.

As the cityscape gives way to open fields and sprawling estates, Cordelia's excitement is only growing. The carriage passes by an expansive meadows dotted with wildflowers, sparkling streams that wound through the countryside, and rows of neatly planted fruit trees leading to grand mansions in the distance.

"Is that the Lilac Mansion?" Cordelia asked as they passed a particularly large estate surrounded by a forest of lilac bushes.

Viviane shakes her head while her smile softening on her face.

"Not yet, my dear. Your mansion is even more beautiful. You will know it when you see it."

Cordelia's eyes sparkles with anticipation.

"It's really that huge? And even more beautiful?"

"Yes. Lilac Mansion was originally owned by the Royal Family and they sometimes used it as a vacation house. But after I led the Black Knights and won the battle, His Majesty bestowed it to me as one of his rewards. And now, I am giving it to you."

Cordelia can only nod her head in response. Her mother is truly amazing. And overly generous too. Viviane just gave her a huge mansion as if it's just a piece of candy.

After what feels like an eternity of excitement and curiosity, the carriage begins to slow. Cordelia feels her breath catch as they pass through tall wrought-iron gates with intricate lilac motifs. The path ahead is lined with blooming lilac bushes and their delicate flowers swaying softly in the breeze. The air is filled with their sweet fragrance is making Cordelia feel as if she has stepped into a fairy tale.

And then she sees it.

The Lilac Mansion stands proudly at the end of the driveway. Its pale stone walls is glowing softly in the morning sunlight. It is truly massive with tall spires, arched windows, and sprawling wings that appear to embrace the gardens. The lilac flower vines that grow along the walls give its grand architecture a hint of natural beauty. Cordelia can not help but feel her jaw drop in wonder.

"It's beautiful..." Cordelia whispered and almost afraid to speak too loudly and break the spell she feels around her.

Viviane reaches out to her and place a comforting hand on her daughter's shoulder.

"This is your home now, Cordelia. Everything you see here belongs to you."

Cordelia turns to her mother with her wide eyes filled with disbelief.

"All of it? Even the garden?"

"Especially the garden. I already gave then an instruction to tend the flowers there. You'll see soon enough."

The carriage comes to a stop in front of the grand entrance. Soon, the coachman opens the door for them. Viviane steps out first with her boots clicking against the stone pavement. Then she turns to help Cordelia down. The little girl's small hand trembles slightly as she placed it in her mother's waiting hand.

When her feet touches the ground, Cordelia feels the smooth stone beneath her shoes and looks up at the mansion towering before her. It's overwhelming and almost too much to take in at once. But before she can fully process it, a line of maids suddenly appears and steps forward.

The maids are dressed in crisp black-and-white uniforms and they all curtsied in unison. Their expressions look warm and welcoming.

"Welcome home, Lady Cordelia." they all said in soft and melodic voices.

Cordelia doesn't know how to react. Her gaze are darting between the smiling faces of those maids and her mother. She is not used to such greetings. For a moment, she feels the familiar sting of doubt creeping in.

Is this some of trick? Is this kindness will vanish as soon as her mother turns away?

Viviane must have sensed her hesitation because she gives her daughter's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"It's all right, my dear. I know each one of them. They're here to take care of you."


"Yes. You can trust them, my dear. I promise."

Cordelia nods her head shyly and smiles at her mother.

"Thank you, mommy."

Viviane cannot blame Cordelia for being wary of those maids. The servants who are serving in the Demitria Mansion are all bastards who took advantage of her daughter's situation. Just thinking about those people makes her blood boil in anger.

After she makes sure Cordelia is doing well, Viviane swears to make those people pay for the things they did to her daughter.

"Come on, Cordelia. Let's go inside." Viviane said.

The female General guides her daughter toward the mansion's grand double doors. They opened smoothly and it reveals an grand foyer that takes Cordelia's breath away. The floor is made of polished marble and its surface is gleaming like a mirror.

There is also a large staircase with a crimson carpet lining the steps and a carved wooden banister that sweeps upward in a lovely curve. The room is glistening with light from crystal chandeliers that hang from the tall ceilings. This place is decorated with paintings of stunning landscapes, vases full of fresh lilac blooms, and golden accents on the walls in every corner.

Cordelia holds on to her mother's hand. She feels small and overwhelmed by the grandeur of it all.

"Are we really going to stay here?" Cordelia softly asked.

Viviane kneels beside her and cups her daughter's face with both hands. "Yes, my love. This is your home now. Every room, every flower, every bit of treasures here belongs to you."

Blinking her eyes, Cordelia notices that her cheeks are warming up. She had never felt so valued and important. It is an emotion she is not sure how to deal with. But for now, Cordelia hopes she can come to believe in it.

"Thank you, Mommy." Cordelia said as she throws her arms around Viviane in a tight hug. "For everything."

Viviane will never deny her daughter's embrace. She hold Cordelia close and closes her eyes. She can feel her own tears threatening to spill.

"You deserve this, Cordelia. And so much more."