Day 2: it was a disaster.

I fucked up. i fucked up badly.

my whole plan of staying out of the limelight. It's fucked, i fucked up very badly and I have completely and utterly messed up my whole plan.

for the afternoon, I mostly just decided to gather some information about the world and my classmates, the heroes mostly.

But they have some sense to, they didn't reveal most of their cards but from what I have gathered.

I firstly talked to Ana, she was under the most stress as she was expected to be the leader by all the people who weren't from earth.

for god's sake, she's just a kid like me.

But yes, I mostly talked to her as everyone else is also stressing and we all are under a lot of.... pressure to say the least.

She was on edge for most of it so I chose not to..... interrogate her atleast, we just talked about feelings and how messed up the situation is for us

both of us opened up to eachother, her friends and her have clear boundaries now, her old friend 'Hana' has completely cut her off, they both used to be inseparable to.

Regardless, I try my best to make her feel better, it somewhat worked but I am still worried....

other than that, I also talked to the rest of the guys as well, since atleast the fighters have stuck together and grouped up, they are all relying on eachother.

Colin is there, he seems to be doing alright, definitely looks tired and out of energy but he is still alive.....

I talked to them for a bit, asking about their training and who trained them

it was a woman named Esca, she was apparently the leader of the knight group that is employed by the queen for the castle

That's good to know atleast, incase I want to branch out and learn some more close quarters combat.

I also used Sage's craft, around 7 hours prior to writing this. I decided to take the skill accelerated thinking to quicken my response and calculation time. 

It's a skill with a trade off, it drains magic the longer I use it but all things aren't free, even my mental defense skill uses magic to prevent psychic attacks on me.

Sage's craft now has a cooldown of 12 hours total, so around 5 more hours to go off cooldown. makes sense why it is longer than the other skills because it is quite handy utility....

Moving on, I figured out the unique skills of some of the people

Ana- one of her unique skills is accelerated growth, she is a genius of everything apparently and she is learning everything quite quickly, I sadly don't know of her other skills.

Bliss- I talked to her again, I figured out her unique skill is damage absorption and redirection. She can store kinetic energy in her weapon and return it back, it's useful for sure!

okay so the next are the troop of 5 fighter guys, I only know the unique skill of 1, let's call him 'Lak'

Lak- When i was talking to the guys, he told me his unique skills let's him pierce really nice. He was told to use a spear and he can essentially coat the tip of his spear with aura and pierce almost any defense. it seems like a level-able skill to.

these are all the skills I have gathered for now, I will keep this in the log and try and remember for future strategies, you all can help me with this to....

then came the shit show that was the evening....

in the evening we were taken to a ground, with a big cage right there.

we had Esca, Yewinda and another instructor, for the priests I think, he was wearing a robe that seemed very priestly but I never got his name sadly

in the big cage there was the singular monster they promised to show us.

It was like a sabertooth tiger, it had a black coat and had large stripes going down it's spine, it felt strong and ferocious, nothing like any animal i had ever seen before.....

Yewinda moved closer to the cage and then 

And then literally all of a sudden she released it. She released the damn monster on us. All of us admittedly screamed and ran. We RAN.

We bolted away from it as one of the girls, let's call her 'Cindy', a bow-woman tripped. The goddamn sabertooth lunged at her and i was within range....

Fire or lightning were risky because they could harm her, water and wind were not fast enough....

I used gravity, I pushed it away from her and it went toppling over the ground, everyone was looking at me in surprise as I just decided to finish the job.....

I stomped the ground with a great amount of magic which i moved to under the monster and

and I killed it

i made a spike under it and impaled it, mounting it on a pike as it's blood went everywhere.

I killed it, i killed the thing.

I had looked over to the instructors who were looking at me in utter shock. The sabertooth instead of dying like a normal creature, dissipated into particles.

It was a summoned creature, summoning magic. Yewinda was primarily a summoner from what I got to learn and it was her beast that I just killed.

Everyone was wondering where I learnt this magic, how I did it or even just where.

I got overwhelmed admittedly as I just walked away a bit and asked for some space which in their daze, my classmates gave me.

after a few minutes of silence, Yewinda walked towards me and apologized for the scare. It was supposed to teach us that the world was a scary place and that there was a lot we needed to be prepared for....

she hadn't expected anyone to be even able to touch the sabertooth but she saw me efficiently end it....

she then asked me the faithful question, how.

I simply gave her an answer, back when i was practicing on the field, I wondered about and tried to learn of all the basic applications of magic. Pushing out raw magic and energy out of my body to create a push or pull was in it, same with earth magic

I hadn't shown her those because I had shown her the other two spells that came from the application she taught, I just told her I saw it as reading ahead of the class...

admittedly her being proud of me and encouraging of my talent made me feel a bit better, she was happy I was passionate about magic and also clearly talented, applauding me for learning intermediate magic which took most people years to properly understand and control.

ofcourse, most magicians here start learning as kids, I am almost 18 now and I was able to learn and apply my previous knowledge to magic.....

being the sage helped clearly, download making me understand and having me learn the theory of magic and spells in an instant helped me immensely. The Sage's grimoire is truly my life savor....

As someone commented previously, I am planning on learning some more..... defensive magic. Possibly using water to make shields. applying spin on said shield to make attacks slip off. Also working on how fast I can manipulate compression type spells.

God I am so stressed. I gave away all my cards today and I need to learn some magic, learn some more utility and use sage's craft more. I need time.

the emotions felt by the instructors are what got me.... feeling scared

the priest was shocked and scared, understandable

Esca looked at me like i was a piece of meat, her emotions read to be of wanting to fight me. It was weird, it looked like excitement?

Yewinda looked bewildered at first but after talking to me, she just felt happy and was proud.

I think for now no one suspects I am the sage..... I mean why would they? There isn't any sage specific thing they can look for, atleast not that I know of.

Hah.... for now I am just a talented 'mage', so I will stick to that and use it to my advantage.....

I was terrified, i was so fucking scared that Cindy was going to die, that she was gonna get mauled to death, we didn't talk much in class but.... I know her, we sat nearby and i saw her almost everyday for 2 years....

God I hate this place, why am I here.....

for now, this is the end of my log, I am far too tired, I will possibly make another at around 2 AM for me, when sage's craft get's off cooldown and allows me to make another skill, magic absorption so I don't have to stress over using too much magic or I could just use it to drain my opponents magic.

Either way, I conclude this log here. I think I am getting the hang of writing these to be more cohesive. See you all

Emiya Out