Studying With My Husband Step-Siblings

Aiden POV:

What? Yeah, I know taking Alexia to university wasn't technically part of the deal. But come on, have you seen her? Eat, sleep, repeat—that had been her mantra since day one. That kind of lifestyle? Nope, not happening on my watch. Not under my roof.

So, yeah, after she finally—finally—chose her course (business management, not a bad choice, I'll admit), I got straight to work. You'd be surprised how quickly a few phone calls and a little money can move things along. By the end of the day, she had a guaranteed spot. No waitlists, no hassle. Efficiency is key.

And yes, before you even start judging, I did enroll her in the most prestigious university in the country. Fedha University. What, were you expecting me to send her to some run-of-the-mill place? She's a Timberlake now, for crying out loud. And a Timberlake always gets the best.