Ethan's POV
For a fleeting moment, I felt as though my heart if I still had one in this form had stopped.
There's someone in that washbasin.
The realization hit like a thunderclap.
On the surface of the purple liquid, a bloated and grotesque face stared back at me. It was devoid of eyelids, hair or a nose.
Its pale dark pupils locked onto mine and its irises were unnaturally small. A strange red luminescence glowed from its forehead that added to its eerie visage.
The encounter lasted only a moment, but it left an indelible mark on my mind. My thoughts raced. Is it alive? Is it conscious and watching me?
I forced myself to calm down. One of my feelers patted my jelly-like body instinctively and this small gesture of mine helped me regain control.
As I heaved a metaphorical sigh, I concluded that it was likely an inert remnant of some kind and not a conscious entity.