Chapter 3

Probably there are many people who have already had one foot in the other world, but I don't think anyone has experienced the same thing I did. That night I should have died. After all, I'm still human, but the Guardian Angel's healing of me led to my rebirth as someone entirely different. No one remembers me. I have been erased from the memories of my family and friends. This is a punishment. For choosing a second life. Nothing in the world is free. Not even help from a heavenly being.

I am human again, but after the accident a lot has changed. My angel took pity on me and gave me help. I remember that at that moment I felt the pleasant warmth and energy he gave me. These wonderful powers made my body heal. Unfortunately... because I had his energy in me, I have since been able to see and feel dead beings.

I am no longer an ordinary person. Everything has changed. My whole life. I feel like I'm starting it all over again in my twenties.

Is there a person in the world who could admit that there is nothing strange about this? That it is normal for angels and also demons to take the form of humans and live among us? I, for one, still can't come to terms with the truth. All this is new, incomprehensible, and strange to me.

- This set will lie perfectly on you. - I blink my eyelids and look at Lisa's smiling face as she selects clothes for me. The mall has been closed for a long time, but these creatures are so cunning and crafty that we entered here without any suspicion. All Thomas had to do was put his hand to the door, from which a red glow emanated, and it was opened. With that one move, the alarm was disabled and all the cameras went off.

This is not their first time. They have experience in this.

- I still think I don't need such expensive and wonderful clothes.

- But they do. - Lisa storms off like a child as she applies another lacy blouse to me. - You have a beautiful figure, so these clothes are made for you. You can't walk around in just anything. After all, you lied to the students about being Andy's cousin. You are bound to look raggedy.

I look at Thomas and see his amused face. Out of the corner of his eye, he measures my figure and puffs out his lips, as if he disagrees with his infernal sister's opinion. He thinks I'm up to no good, or he's simply making me angry. Demons have it in them to be annoying.

- I think your brother has a different opinion on the subject. I think he'll agree with me that these clothes don't fit me at all," I say in an offended voice, lowering my gaze as Lisa looks at me carefully and unexpectedly pokes a sharp look at the twin. He merely raises his hands, as if renouncing that he doesn't mean anything of the sort, and that I'm just making something up.

When the blonde turns his back on us to answer the phone that rings incessantly, Thomas grins at me with his teeth, as if trying to warn me about the words I say about him.

Have I made a mistake?

I nervously swallow my saliva and stare at the floor when I feel his gaze on me. He is looking at me again. Why is he doing this? I get the impression that he is trying to x-ray my insides.... as if something is not giving him a break.

- I swear I'll pluck those pristine white feathers from your wings! - I am alarmed when Lisa tears into the person she is talking to. - I'm home in ten seconds and if you don't fix this, I'll pluck you like a bird!

He puts the phone in his pocket and turns to face us.

- Did he get drunk again and mess up something? - Thomas looks amused by this news.

- That's another time he got to my hands-free mirror and broke it drunk. I'm sure he admired his reflection for so long that the poor thing burst from the compliments. - He tightens his lips in anger. - Take care of Jennie. I disappear to deal with this narcissistic thug.

My heart goes up to my throat when Lisa leaves us and I have to obey this golden-haired gargoyle.

- Should we go back now? I think I have enough of these clothes in my commercials," I say uncertainly, looking around to the side.

- And why should I play your babysitter and walk you to the door? - I open my eyes wider when I realize that he intends to leave me alone in this giant mall, which is now closed.

- You both took me here by force.... I didn't want this.

- My sister took you here. I only helped her," he replies, sending me a mischievous smile. - I don't like it when someone forces me to do something I would rather not do. And currently I don't feel like driving you home because I prefer to go to the bar. Farewell.

I watched him melt before my eyes and open my mouth in shock. I don't know what to do. I'm scared. I am left here completely alone. Without their help, I am solely on my own. What if I get caught by someone? I was given a second life to go to jail for burglary and theft?

At this point, I feel like killing the gargoyle, even though it is already dead.


I tiptoe like a thief as I approach the exit and carefully look around me to make sure no one sees me. I think I would choke on my tongue if a policeman started handcuffing me. Life would have stood before my eyes, and at that moment I would have begged my Guardian Angel to take me to the afterlife.

Holding the commercials in my hands, I run outside and breathe loudly as I hide behind tall bushes. From there, I watch the surroundings and make sure there is no one around. My heart beats like crazy when I think about the nearby cameras. I hope this gargoyle has turned everything off; otherwise I'll be done for.

At the age of twenty, I will end up in prison, reliving the horrors there, instead of enjoying my youthful life.

It's dark, the streets are empty, occasionally a car will pass by, and I take a slow step along the sidewalk, heading towards my house. I walk to the place that used to belong to me when I lived with my parents. Now I don't have them. They don't remember me. They don't know me. It's just like I was never born....

Why am I doing this? Why am I heading there? This place doesn't belong to me anymore. To my parents, I am a stranger, so why am I going there? I want to see their faces and see that they are okay, but is night the right time? They will probably take me for a thief. I've already experienced one nightmare just now, so is it worth risking again?

It doesn't make sense.

I stop mid-step and sigh loudly as I put the commercials down on the sidewalk. I brush my hair off my forehead and look around the street with resignation.

It is empty.

- I unnecessarily walked in the opposite direction. I don't even have the money to take the transportation home. And what am I going to do now? - I squat on the curb of the sidewalk and look ahead, wondering if I even want to move from here. I don't have the strength. I'm a fallen man. Surely, it's the stress that has eaten all my strength. I feel like going to bed and falling asleep. I would rather not do anything else.

Should I call an angel? Since he is my guardian, shouldn't he be at my every call? Of course, he is. He is my private bodyguard, and since I have no other choice, only he can save me. How else am I supposed to get home in the middle of the night without any money?

- Guardian Angel... Guardian Angel, I need you here and now. Angel...? - A passing drunkard looks at me as if I've dropped off from another planet. He points his finger at me and starts laughing.

- This lady seems to have drunk a lot more than me.... lady? - I look over my shoulder and squint as I see how hard it is for him to keep his balance. He wobbles to all sides, looking like a puppet. - Do you want to go for another round with me?

- If you were younger and more handsome, I'd probably go with you. Better than sitting on the sidewalk and calling for a Guardian Angel.

- I can be your savior.

- Forgive me, ladies, but my savior is a drunk, so I don't need another one," I announce and open my eyes wider when a golden glow appears in the middle of the street, and a moment later I spot Andy. With a shaky step, he heads in my direction and the man who accompanies me rubs his eyes, taking it as an illusion from the excess of alcohol he has drunk.

- Did you call for me? - Andy asks, falling over his feet. He falls by the sidewalk, and I wrinkle my forehead.

- I called you, but it was a mistake because I forgot that you were intoxicated.

- Why does a person only see drunk people after alcohol? - The man continues to mumble something under his breath. I, however, focus my attention on the angel who is drenched in alcohol.

And this is supposed to be an example for humanity?

Only now do I notice that he has a cut lip.

- Did Lisa give you a blow job?

- This ninny only does it when I'm drunk. She takes advantage of me because then I don't have much strength, although a beating is better than the way she kisses me. This is just a horror," he claims, sticking out his tongue in disgust.

His pink hair is blown by the wind as he sits on the street, his hands resting on the concrete. At this point, he looks like a handsome menace.

- You know what, you should go home. I can do without you. I'm not going to babysit you extra," I say when I see him start to lurk and laugh to himself.

- But I am your guardian angel. - He pats his chest with his hand, and his hiccups become even more agonizing. - I gave you a second life. We have been connected by my golden arrow ever since. One word, and I am at your side to help you.

- So how are you going to get me home in this condition?

- There will always be a way. - I open my mouth when he starts waving his hands as if holding a wand and utters an incantation. - Pee-wee, let's go home.

His head falls to the concrete, and I watch with horror in my eyes as a car standing nearby, driverless, begins to drive backwards. Andy melts into the air, and I put my hand to my forehead and sigh heavily.

And what am I supposed to do now? I'm in for a very long walk.


I've had enough. At one point, I get such a crisis that I'm going to throw all the commercials into the bushes, but I restrain myself when I think about what kind of hell Lisa will put me through. Does she even know what her brother has done? Does she realize that this mangy gargoyle left me at the mall and moved to the bar, not caring about my fate? Is she even concerned about my well-being? What am I thinking about... after all, she is a demon.

The only thing that comforts me is that I am getting closer to home. I have safely crossed so many streets, but a surprise awaits me at the very end of the trek. I stop in mid-step when I notice a disturbing situation in the car. I witness a man brutally beating a woman, and she screams and wants to get out of there at all costs, but the door is locked.

Furthermore, I let the commercials out of my hands and put my hands to my mouth, unable to react in any way. I don't know what I should do. All courage drains out of me instantly. I am completely powerless at this sight.

I can't summon Andy because he's drenched in a corpse and is of no use to me. I have no connection with the demons. So what should I do in this situation? After all, I can't leave this woman because he will kill her!

But before I can think of anything, with my own eyes, I see him bestially stabbing her with a knife. My knees buckle under me and I get weak. However, this is a temporary loss of strength because I regain it at a dizzying speed, as the man wipes the blood from his chin with the back of his hand and stares at me with an unfriendly gaze.

He stares at me for a moment, and I feel my face fade. I get the impression that time is slowing down as I watch him open the door to get me with a mad glint in his eye.

My heart beats like crazy as I grab my bags and start running. My knees buckle under me and I trip over my feet several times, but despite this, I don't stop. I feel his presence, and now he is right behind me. He wants to get me and kill me because I am the only witness to his attack.

I am breathing harder and harder, but then someone emerges from behind a tree and grabs my arm too hard. Running, I lose my balance and fall right into that person's arms, hitting my face against his chest.

I am panting loudly, afraid to see who caught me. He hides me behind his back as the man approaches us with a knife. I lift my face and see the color of his golden hair reflected in the lantern light.

I lean out from behind his shoulder and look at the man, who, looking at Thomas, unexpectedly releases the knife from his hand. His gaze betrays that he is terrified. He falls to his knees.

- We meet again. Surprised? - The boy turns to him with a mocking smile on his face, one hand embracing my wrist as I stand behind him, unable to even my breathing. - Are you afraid of me?

The man can't get a word out. He simply looks at the demon with wide-open eyes.

- Forget her face. Erase her from your memory.

I blink my eyelids, unable to understand what is happening. The man who a moment ago chased me to kill me for witnessing his brutal attack now kneels in front of us, making no move.

Thomas is dragging me along with him, too, digging his fingers into my skin, with which he causes me pain.

- Where did you come from? - I ask when he lets go of my hand. He stops in mid-step and turns to face me. - How did you know where I was? Weren't you supposed to go to the bar?

- I thought it over and changed my mind. I decided to follow you because I know how dangerous the streets are at night. Andy and Lisa would never forgive me if something happened to you," he replies, looking somewhere above my head.

- What did you do to that man over there?

He starts laughing and finally lowers his gaze to my face.

- Aren't you asking too many questions for a person I just saved?

- I thought you were going to kill him.

- Demons may be monsters, but they have a mind of their own. We don't kill people because none of us wants to go to hell. We like life among ordinary mortals, so don't provoke me to take your life one day. He would rather not pay the penalty.

I look at him as he tightens his lips in anger. I can see that something upset him earlier, that's why he is so mean.

- Thank you for helping me.

- I realized that since Andy had drank himself into unconsciousness, there would be no one to help you.

- So, it was you who sent him home when he lost consciousness on the street?

- He would rather not have moved there himself.

My lips twist in a smile, making him mirror me with his eyes.

- It's sweet that there is such a friendship between you two. I still can't get used to the fact that angels and demons can be so close. To me, it's adorable.

Thomas crinkles his eyebrows and looks at me like an idiot for a moment. I can see in his gaze that he can't understand my train of thought.

- Take all these commercials and let's go home. I've had enough of following you all over town.