Born in the humble town of Kaoma, Zambia, Chanda Nkomo grows up in a world where every kwacha counts. Despite the daily struggles of his farming family, young Chanda develops an insatiable ambition to rise above poverty. Watching his parents scrape by on meager earnings and observing the bustling local markets, he becomes fascinated by the power of money and trade.
At just ten years old, Chanda takes his first entrepreneurial step, turning his small savings into a profit by selling mangoes at the market. With each success, his determination grows stronger. Inspired by his father’s wisdom that wealth lies in the ability to grow even the smallest fortune, Chanda begins to dream of becoming the richest man in Zambia, not just for himself but to uplift his community.
This is the story of a boy with big dreams, starting from humble beginnings, as he begins his journey to turn kwacha into an empire.