Ch 021 To Reach Every Dream

It is now time to start their adventure, the young Forest Straw has summoned upon Jack Springs. Jack Springs, finding this out that he has awakened completely from "Mengyue", challenges him to a duel.


Forest Straw says he is out of condition but when tested by Jack Springs with an upper cut of an elbow attack, he deflected it, making Jack Springs smile. Enough to guarantee that Forest Straw is still his long time rival.


"Jack, how long has it been already?" - Forest Straw

"Long enough to warrant your death." - Jack Springs

"So it is time now, my training at sleep pays off." - Forest Straw

"Wait! You were training in your sleep? How?" - Jack Springs

"Through activation frameworks my father always does when I sleep. I just remembered." - Forest Straw


After adjusting and training for some few hours. Enough to let out a ki attack in place. Mengyue fetches back Memeko Kushiwari and Reiko Sagara.


"You finally awakened! Forest, how long has it been?!" - Reiko Sagara

"Thought he will never wake up." - Memeko Kushiwari

"Okay people, lets go out for some inspection." - Forest Straw

"Yes, they'll be war soon." - Jack Springs


Going out in the streets of New York, people seems to be looking at them. Texting, if not, in social media posts. Some even takes secret pictures out of them.


"Its the organization yet again." - Reiko Sagara

"We just don't know to whom." - Memeko Kushiwari

"Have anyone notice our minds to be read." - Forest Straw

"mmmmpppphhhh!" - Reiko Sagara

"Reiko, what seems to be the problem?" - Forest Straw

"Nothing!" - Reiko Sagara

(Whispers: "Good thing he hasn't notice my abilities.")


Everyone knowing upon their distinguished organization that Forest Straw has awakened. They now put on disguises and monitor him. Everyone, from workers and employees of the office, the janitor, the store branch vendor, even possibly a trained dog are part of a secret society employed to watch or observe Forest Straw and his gang.


Jack Springs knowing this, just remains silent until.

"Urghhhhhhaaaaa!" - Forest Straw

"What is the problem." - Reiko Sagara

(Punches in mid air)

"I'm so angry all of the sudden." - Forest Straw

"Mind Control! Everyone, on your psychic and magic defenses." - Jack Springs


Trying to entrap Forest Straw to go rouge in public. Either the intelligence agency or the Black Dragon Clan, has managed to penetrate defenses and mind control Forest Straw. Through what seems to be somewhat a "Remote Mechanism", a "Neural Remote Monitoring Device" or a NRMD.


"A remote neural monitoring device?" - Forest Straw

"Are you sure? It must be either a magic attack or a psychic attack?" - Reiko Sagara

"Too, invassive, too mechanical, Urrrrrgggghhhha!!!!" - Forest Straw

"Forest!" - Both Memeko and Reiko Sagara

"Ask the Intelligence Agency to turn the satellites off, or ask the White Dragon Society to bring it down. Hurry!" - Reiko Sasgara

"Yes ma'am!" - Memeko Kushiwari


Upon contacting Turren Straw, Memeko Kushiwari is crying that something bad might happen again. In that moment, a Central Intelligence Gathering was operating this with the signal intelligence of:


"Command, Command, we have visual of targeted individual. Resuming post of targeting over!" - Operator

"This is command! Turn on AIV(Aerial Intelligence Vehicle) for secure feeds. Over …." - Command Panel

"This is Operator, AIV has been dispatched. Over…." - Operator


It seems that fearing the rise of Forest Straw again to create chaos. He is already mark a target by the State. In this sense, he has become a "targeted individual".


"This is Turren Straw, requesting permission to derail order of cease and desist. Over…." - Turren Straw

"This is operator, we are receiving transmission from a guy named Turren Straw, how should we respond?" - Operator

"Deny fast tracking, instant communication cut-off, remain silent, then continue operation. Over!" - Timmothy Long

"Frank, this is Turren, requesting for an AOV(Advice Over Validity) on rouge intelligence, permission to engage them as well, if they do not back off!" - Turren Straw

"This Frank Ford, get your son off the road this instance!" - Frank Ford

"Permission is denied, this is Nick Strata. Over." - Nick Strata

"Advice. Advice. Advice. This is Turren Straw, need direction to comply with an intelligence hack and attack over…." - Turren Straw

"Withdraw, contact Reiko Sagara and advice her to stay indoors until situation is resolved." - White Dragon Central Intelligence


With this transmission, Turren Straw has no choice other than to make Forest Straw withdraw and stay in his house. So he contacts Reiko to inadvertently and permissively withdraw scouting at once.


"Reiko, this is your father-in-law, withdraw to safe. Now." - Turren Straw

"Roger." - Reiko Sagara

"This is Turren Straw, requesting permission for an EVC (Evacuation) , over a rouge intelligence interference, commanding JSOC (Joint Special Operation's Command) ASAP." - Turren Straw


Apparently, with the war with Garold the Fifth. The intelligence agencies are also at war with one another. Consisting of varied factions acting in support of their party's dominance. The war on intelligence has just started.