Chapter 12

Her cheeks became red, "Yes, I suppose." She answered insecurely.

"Now you're back with the robotic voice."

Dawn wanted to assure him, so she said the words on her mind. "I don't mean to."

"Obviously not, have you always been this socially awkward?"

She saw that she had done a horrible job at making him understand. "Yes...…."

"How many friends have you had?"


"Not even a close friend?"

She looked down, "No, not at all."


"No one wants to be my friend."

He nodded in agreement, "Makes sense with the way you act, can't you change?"

"But you said I should not apologize for being myself."

Grayson smirked, "That is right, glad to be talking to someone who actually listens and is not just an airhead."

She just nodded knowing that he was being sarcastic,

"That is sad still and you don't have looks working in your favor too."

This was not something new to her, she had always known this, "I know."

"But you have good brains."

"Thank you."

"But it seems as if you have been slacking these days."

"I'm still on top of my schoolwork."

"I know, but seems as if you're distracted and tired."

"Is the work that I'm doing not good enough for you? I'm sorry!"

"Calm down, I never said that."

"Oh okay."

"I have never seen someone apologize for doing someone's work, you're truly something you know."


"You are very different from what I have known my whole life."

She wanted to know more as to how he felt about her being different, "Is it bad?"

"I don't know, just strange."

"I see."

"You don't have to always grasp for negatives you know"

Grayson often went to school and when he got back later during the day after hanging out with his friends, he was used to finding Dawn.

Yet today she was not at home but the house was clean so which meant she was here. She had probably gone to do her assignment and research.

Yet days went by, and she was not at home, even when he came late in the morning, she was not there.

He could hear her walking in during the early hours of the morning, and during class she looked half dead and she was not focusing.

Yet he was impressed at the fact that she still did his work and it was perfection, he could see her head falling as she was falling asleep.

The teacher had called out to her and she did not hear, only on the third call did she respond and everyone was laughing at her.

He wondered what was going on with her but he shrugged it off, what did it matter as to what she was doing during her spare time?

One night he decided to wait for her, and she walked in,

"What is wrong with you?"


"Do you know what you're even apologizing for?"

"No, but can we please do this another day."

"Leave then."

She did so, the following day she was not awake until noon and he could see her dashing around cleaning.

On her day off he got outside, lit a cigarette and she lay in the sun and trying to read a novel, but she was dozing off,

"What is going on with you?"

She opened her eyes, "Oh, is there something you need?"

"No, can you even hear what I'm saying?"

She rolled over and went back to sleep, he shook his head as he stared at her, back at school she seemed to be not paying attention.

Gym came and it was dodgeball and he knew how she sucked at it, and he could see that she barely had any energy.

So he stood a bit close to her and when a ball was coming her way and she was not moving, he jumped in and caught it.

He saw that she was surprised and was relieved to see him, she had thanked him but he had shrugged it off.

Tonight they were hanging out at their usual spot,

"Isn't that the freak?"

Grayson turned and he saw Dawn walking and wondered why she was out and alone, and to make it worse she was dragging her feet.

She had no energy and would be an easy target, he wanted to ignore her but he could not, she was doing his homework so the least he could do was to return the favor just for tonight.

"I have to go."

He threw the cigarette to the ground and crushed it with his foot, he hopped on his Harley,

"Can you take me home?"

One of the girls asked that he did not care to take their name and he knew what she was implying, "Not tonight."

He stopped next to her and saw that she had gotten a fright,

"Hop on before I change my mind."

She hopped on and her legs were on the other side of him, she tried to hold on to the sides, but Grayson took her hands and wrapped them around him.

"Geez I won't bite, and besides I'm not attracted to you, you're way too plain.`"


And he meant it, he did not care, he had been with many girls and Dawn was nothing special or attractive.

"Thank you."

"You don't have to, it's not like I went out of my way."

"Ah, makes sense."

"Besides, should you be walking so late at night?"

"The buses weren't working today."

"How about a taxi?"

"That would cost way too much money."

"So your safety comes second to money."


"You really are something."

He was shocked by her admission, was she struggling so much that she was willing to put her life in danger over a few bucks?

Did her life have so little value?

They got into the house, "I don't care about how tired you are going to be later on today but I want us to watch more episodes of You."


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