Busy Store

Zhou Liang couldn't help but sigh as he lowered his voice, "My lady, don't tell the City Lord and I apologize if I cannot give you the full information, we have to keep a tight seal to this information at the moment."

"I understand. Just tell me enough."

"There has been increased activity from the Poison Demon Cult within the Abyssal Forest. While the immediate threat to the city is uncertain, precautions are being taken. That's part of why I am visiting the store along with the other officials. We are to assess whether this store's products can bolster our defenses in fending off the possible siege."

Wei Lan's eyes widened slightly, her grip tightening on the Sparkling Moonlight Powder she held.

"The Poison Demon Cult? Those vile heretics dare encroach upon Fanling City's borders? They cannot be contained at the other side of the Abyssal Forest anymore?"