Celestial Providence in Play

Unfazed by the setback, Liu Xiaoyu rubbed her nose, "Hehe, not bad, Boss. But I only let you take the first hit!"

Many from the audience bit on Xiaoyu's attempt to bluff, cheering for her to take down her 'Boss'.

But Lin Mo played along as the hype around their match was much needed.

In his head, he was already calculating the number of card packs they were going to sell.

He's even thinking of having the divine beings create some kind of arcade machine that could also run the Celestial Duel Platform in a virtual space. That one could be used by mortals or those who didn't want a flashy Celestial Duel. They can just sit down and play there.

He's also considering vending machines. That way, they will have an alternate way to draw new cards.

Or maybe it can expand to more than just that. He can have the Distributor set up various vending machines in different places as a mini extension of the store.