
By the time Reid reached his bunker, the sun was already starting to rise. He was still lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice Elizabeth standing by the door.

"You ready?" Elizabeth asked, pulling him out of his thoughts.

She was wearing what she had on the previous day. She had on black pants and top, coupled with black boots which was standard military dress code.

"Good morning to you too" Reid grumpily replied "I'll be ready in a few minutes".

"Hurry up then, we'll leave soon" she said and walked off in a random direction, probably to go find her grandpa.

Reid walked into the bunker to start packing. He didn't have much to pack up anyway so it only took him a few minutes.

"Squeak" Rusty, who was still on his head, squeaked.

"Yeah buddy, me too" Reid replied with a sigh.

He then took a quick shower and dressed as he usually does, black jacket, black pants and a black shirt underneath.

He tossed all his stuff in the inventory and took a final look at the place he had been calling home for a while now.

When he first came here, this was just another cave in the ground but he transformed it into a liveable space.

He walked up the stairs and out of the bunker to see Elizabeth standing there.

This time she was with Old man Scrappy, Alex and the twins with their forged-beasts by their side. Alex was looking at him with a frown but didn't say anything.

"You packed up kid?" Scrappy asked when he spotted Reid.

"Yeah" Reid answered "you sure you wanna send us away? Who's gonna protect this place then?".

"Don't worry 'bout that, kid" Scrappy answered while patting Reid's shoulder "the Scrapyard's still got me".

"Besides, you kids got potential" he continued with a smile "can't let you waste them staying here".

"Thanks old man" Reid said.

"You're welcome" Scrappy replied "just make sure to leave the keys to your bunker with me, since that's a pretty sweet place I decided to move in".

Reid's brows twitched a little. But he still decided to hand the keys over since he was leaving.

The old man caught the key with a grin. Compared to his train cart, Reid's place was a star hotel.

"We'll be leaving now grandpa" Elizabeth hugged Scrappy goodbye.

"Take care and be sure to visit me when you're on leave" Scrappy said while hugging her.

"I will" she softly replied before breaking the hug.

"And be sure to take care of the boys for me" he said "Alex especially, he's quick to get into trouble".

"I don't need to be looked after" Alex argued.

"No promises" Elizabeth replied to Scrappy.

"Haha" He laughed "alright boys, go make me proud".

The boys looked at him seriously and nodded their heads. Apart from him, Alex and the twins had spent their entire lives in this place.

What Scrappy just gave them was a once in a lifetime chance. This was a chance for them to get their families out of this place, a chance to actually do something worthwhile and they were not planning on disappointing their benefactor.

"Alright mutts, it's time to head out" Elizabeth's demeanor suddenly changed as she barked out that order.

"Listen lady, I don't care if you're old man Scrappy's grandkid but I'm not gonna allow you to —" the fact that they were called mutts didn't sit well with Alex so he tried to say something but was quickly interrupted by Elizabeth suddenly summoning her forged beast.

Alex and the twins were busy attending to the other residents when the fight was going on the previous day, so they didn't see her arrive or on what she did.

Coming out of her inventory gadget was a big a*s dragon. This caused Alex and the others to tremble a bit.

"You were saying?" Elizabeth asked with a raised eyebrow and a grin. She enjoyed shutting cocky kids up and truthfully, Reid was glad seeing the Alex scared for once.

"Nothing ma'am" Alex swallowed. The pressure the dragon was emitting was scary enough, talk less about its appearance.

It was a huge dark purple dragon with lines emitting a purple glow passing through its scales. Its eyes were seemed like they were looking down on everyone here that was not Elizabeth.

"That's what I thought" she turned and mounted the dragon.

"We'll be heading to the city first so you mutts better keep up" she said and with a blast of wind, the dragon took off.

They turned to Scrappy who looked...proud? And turned back to the skies, watching the dragon get farther by the second.

"You heard her, better keep up " Scrappy said while walking towards Reid's... No, his bunker " it's been a long time since I last watched TV".

Reid summoned Rusty who returned to its wolf form, allowing Reid to climb on. Before he could follow Elizabeth, he was approached by the twins.

"Umm, R-Reid can we s-share a ride with you" Tommy nervously asked.

"What do you think this is, an ub*r?" Reid asked with a raised eyebrow "besides, you still owe me for fixing your forged-beasts".

"What the hell are you doing?" Alex asked in annoyance, seeing his lackeys asking favors from from the guy they usually bullied.

"We p-promise to pay in full" the twins ignored Alex and pleaded to Reid again.

"Fine" Reid, to the twin's surprise, easily accepted and called out Nyx.

"You think you can haul these two" He asked Nyx who flapped in response "great, then just try to keep up with that dragon".

Instead of letting the twins get on, Nyx grappled them with its legs and lifted off, trailing behind the dragon.

"Evo,can we place their beasts on the inventory?" Reid asked.

[Yes] Evo confirmed and he quickly did so.

"Alright Alex, try to keep up with your little donkey" Reid taunted before speeding off on Rusty's back.

"F*ck you!" Alex screamed but he knew he had to quickly catch up. Luck for him, his forged-beasts was big enough to handle his weight and it blasted off leaving a trail of flames behind.


Alright my dear readers, we've officially completed the first arc. It's a bit shorter but I want to hear your thoughts and opinions so please be sure to leave them in the comments.. Thank you for reading so far.


Answer to previous chapter's riddle: The name of his horse was Friday.

This Chapter's riddle: What has to be broken before you can use it?