The Phoenix's Test [1]: Strength

"A test that will determine if you're deserving of the power you've been granted" it replied "you're here for the Phoenix's test."

A pillar of flame rose behind the phoenix as soon as it announced the test's name.

Vivian's eyebrows twitched, 'was that spectacle really necessary?'

As if sensing her thoughts, the phoenix cleared its throat and quickly dismissed the pillar of flames.

"Your first test starts now" the chamber disappeared as soon as it said said that.

Vivian found herself in what looked like an empty battlefield on which lay different kinds of weapons.

"The first test is a test of strength" The phoenix appeared by her and started explaining "you will have to prove yourself strong enough to weild my flames".

Vivian looked at the phoenix and back at the battle field. The battle field made it clear enough what the test would be about.

She bent down and picked up the weapon she was most comfortable using, a spear.