The cheers continued for a while before the residents of the town stilled and started disintegrating into glowing pixels.
The dome created by the drones around them receded and they were back in the field. Other cadets' test were still going on so most of the domes were still up.
Commander Ajax stood to the side, looking at the first team that completed the test. He took his note pad again and penned down a couple of things before he returned to observing the other domes.
"That was awesome wasn't it?" Clara was the first to speak up as she walked close to Lisa.
"Yeah" Lisa replied but her eyes were kept on Reid who seemed to be in deep thoughts.
'What was that Hydra?' Reid continuously repeated the question in his head. Unlike all the other primals they faced, only the Hydra gave off an aura.
[I don't think that was supposed to be part of the test] Evo guessed but that didn't make sense either.