Fighting Another Senior

Ethan kept his eyes on the tablet, watching the red dots split apart. Two of them had fully committed to chasing the decoy, leaving only one still moving toward their real position.

"We've still got one on our tail" he informed the team.

Reid nodded, "We'll deal with them if we have to, but let's try to avoid a fight."

Marcus grunted. "If they catch us, we're not exactly in the best shape to fight back."

"Which is why we won't get caught," Reid said. "Keep moving."

Ethan, still focused on the tablet, frowned. "Wait… something's off."

Clara glanced at him. "What now?"

"The red dot isn't moving as fast anymore," Ethan muttered. "It's slowing down, almost like—"

A sudden whoosh split the air.

"Down!" Reid barked.

The team barely had time to react before a shadow blurred past them, striking the ground where they had just been standing.