Damien Vs Clara

Laying in a pod each, Clara and Damien had their neural tattoo scanned by the pod.

Since they were going to be playing the game with virtual characters, the scan was done to collect information on their forged beasts in order for them to be recreated.

The pods were suddenly filled with a faint sleeping gas, just enough to knock them out. When Damien and Clara woke up, they found themselves in the same vast, featureless white room, standing across each other.

As far as they could see, There were no doors, no windows—just an endless, sterile expanse. Or perhaps there were openings, but they blended so perfectly with the environment that they were impossible to see.

A holographic screen materialized before them, listing the match parameters. The system allowed them to customize their battle settings:

Battlefield Selection

Forged-Beast Rank Limit

Number of Forged Beasts Per Player