"Alright, let's get started" Reid said and was about to pick the alloys up but was stopped by master Garrick.
"Here." Garrick handed Reid a neatly folded set of clothes. "Unless you want to ruin your uniform, I'd suggest you put these on," he said gruffly.
Reid took the clothes from him, unfolding it to reveal a jumper similar to the one Garrick wore along with a set of clothes he could wear underneath.
Reid walked into the dressing room and a few minutes later, he was back out, dressed in the work clothes.
"Now that you look the part" Garrick said "hurry up and get started."
Without another word, Reid got to work. He fired up the forge, adjusting the temperature precisely to match the melting points of the metals in front of him. Using a pair of tongs, he placed the first chunk of alloy into the crucible, watching as it gradually melted into a molten state.