Puberty, Preschoolers, and a Prince Who Still Doesn’t Care

I'm bored so.... 6 YEAR TIME SKIP

Time flew by faster than a demon on caffeine, and Hell's most chaotic family had aged up a bit. Kael, now 11, was officially a middle schooler, complete with the attitude and sarcasm to match. Aralyn, at 6, had somehow managed to get even more clumsy, if that was even possible.

Meanwhile, Kikidori, the ever-carefree prince of Hell, was 47 but still acted like a teenager. Ere'ana, now 46, was perpetually stressed trying to keep her family in line. Yumi, 26, was juggling being a mom to Aralyn and dealing with her still-chaotic husband, Akuma, who was now 27 and still couldn't fold laundry properly.

The morning started like any other. Kael was sitting at the breakfast table, half-asleep, while Aralyn was running around the kitchen pretending to be a "flying angel princess."

"Aralyn, sit down before you run into something," Yumi warned, sipping her coffee.

"But I'm practicing my flying!" Aralyn protested, flapping her tiny wings.

"Practice somewhere that isn't the kitchen," Ere'ana added, flipping pancakes.

Kael groaned, rubbing his temples. "Do I really have to go to school today?"

"Yes, Kael, you have to go to school," Ere'ana said firmly.

Kikidori strolled into the kitchen, looking way too relaxed for someone with five demons knocking on his door every day asking for favors. "Morning, losers."

"Dad, it's too early for your nonsense," Yumi said without even looking at him.

Kikidori smirked. "What nonsense? I'm just here to enjoy a wholesome family breakfast."

Kael snorted. "You? Wholesome? That's the funniest thing I've heard all week."

"Watch it, kid," Kikidori said, ruffling Kael's hair as he walked by. "Or I'll embarrass you in front of your little middle school friends."

Kael glared at him. "Don't you dare."

Aralyn, meanwhile, tripped over her own feet and faceplanted onto the floor with a loud thud.

Kikidori immediately burst out laughing. "That's my granddaughter! Always keeping things entertaining."

Yumi picked Aralyn up, glaring daggers at her dad. "Do you have to laugh every time she falls?"

"Yes," Kikidori said with zero hesitation.

"Unbelievable," Yumi muttered, brushing Aralyn off.

Kael stood up, grabbing his bag. "I'm leaving before this circus gets worse."

Ere'ana stopped him at the door. "Don't forget your lunch."

"Thanks, Mom," Kael said, taking the bag.

As he walked out, Kikidori called after him, "Don't do anything stupid, or I'll find out!"

Kael rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

After Kael left, Yumi turned to Kikidori. "You know, you could try being a little less... you."

Kikidori raised an eyebrow. "And why would I do that? I'm perfect just the way I am."

Yumi sighed, while Ere'ana muttered something under her breath about patience being a virtue.

Meanwhile, Aralyn was already climbing onto the counter, reaching for a cookie.

"Aralyn, get down from there!" Ere'ana said, exasperated.

"But I'm hungry!" Aralyn whined.

Kikidori chuckled, grabbing a cookie and handing it to her. "Here, kid. Don't tell your mom."

"I heard that," Yumi said, glaring at him.

Kikidori smirked. "Worth it."

As the chaos continued, Ere'ana sighed, wondering how she ended up in charge of a family that couldn't go five minutes without something going wrong.

The end of Chapter 32.