
My Friends

Arik: "wat up"

He was on his bike(bicycle), waving his hand in my direction.

You are... early today, what happened to you? you ok? you having a fever you dumb fuck? 

bro the first thing you do after seeing a person, WHO IS 100 FUCKING KILOMETERS AWAY FROM YOU IS TO SWEAR AT THEM?! AND AT THIS TIME

"ehh... yeah yeah, shut up now. Anyways, heard anything from Arasp and Bhish? Will they will coming or not today"

I don't know. Well they aren't dumb fucks like some certain someone so chances are they will be coming today. 

Alright, let's head in, we might get spanked by the PE teacher.

"What's the big deal.. Let's go first eat something" He said this, with a bright smile... 

And I said "Nope." 

"Bro.... Come on! We have so much time left. Stop being an annoying bitch all the time"

Yeah No. I ain't goin-

"Aight whatever you say, I thought you might encounter Ryku. She arrives at sharp 7:50, so I was thin-"

ALRIGHT, where you wanted to go why not hahahahaha having a good breakfast is must. MUST!!!

Les go. ~La Lala La Lala~


"eh....would ya look at him, walking like a happy princesses"

"and.... there he goes. sigh..."





"Hey, Isn't your birthday near? When was it" He said this with a smirk, I knew what he was thinking. P. A. R. T. Y.

sponsored by this poor me *cry noises intensifies"

Naw... My birhtday is on 7 december, it's too soon right now for you to worry about these things.

"dono.. I was sure that it was in June an-"

YO, Look there, that's Arasp, les go and capture him too with us.

Man isn't he a life saver, phew..

Arasp: Sup, where you both heading to, school is the opposite direction

Arik : we gonna eat something, wanna come with us

Arasp: Sure 

And as I thought my birthday topic was dropped successfully, I forgot oneeee minor detail. That being that Arasp was someone

who has remembered birhtday of every single breathing creature on this planet earth. Heheha a aah sigh..

"So where you taking us tomorrow hmm.." Arasp said this while we were walking to the store, me and arasp on foot and arik on his bike

Arik asked "what do you mean? something speical happened?"

"hmm? you forgot your boyfriend's birthday? Damn. Ishan, bro I wouldn't have tolerated"

"HUH. But he said his birthday was in december"

yea.. yeah, Arasp must have forgotten things..

I said this as Arik was giving me an eye

"Yeah.. You can check his ID" yeah, Arasp really fucked me up big time. There goes my 4 months of saving.


Oh well, it is what it is I guess.