
Are you... ok?

Earlier, in school library...


It was almost time for the lunch break. Reshya and Ryku were sitting there, Reshya was finishing her pending assignments and Ryku was there, keeping her the company.

Reshya says to Ryku as closing the notebook "so.. my work is finished, finally. I can't believe how much was given, copying this was much faster than doing it on my own for sure! Phew...."

To which Ryku replied "Of course, I do all the hard work and you just copy this and done. Great! Though thanks to Arasp and Ishan it didn't took that much time. You know what, you should thank me that I've finished my work already. *Hmphh*"

"Of course you did your work.. with Ishan, of course.. you did"

"Wha—what?!" Ryku stammered. She quickly grabbed her things, avoiding Reshya's gaze. "Stop saying weird things... It wasn't like that. And I- I! asked you to do the assignments with me before going to Arasp"

"By Arasp.. you mean to Ishan?"

"shut up!"

"Yeah yeah", Reshya teasing Ryku, leaning against her with a smirk. "Whatever you say..."

"I swear. Today you'll die by my very own hand"

"Ok Ok! Geez.. No need to get all angry. You look cute though when you get all frustrated" Reshya saying, as grabbing Ryku's cheeks with her both hands, squishing her face, playing with her. Reshya says " No wonder Ishan fell for you" smirkingly

Smacking Reshya's hand of her cheeks, Ryku picks up her notebook and watch, stood up all angry and leaves the library.

"Wait Wait! I'm coming too" Reshya saying, as Ryku was leaving the library, picks her stuff and rushes to her. "Anyways, I'm done with my work, so what you wanna do now" Reshya asks Ryku, as they were on their way to the classroom.

"Lunch. What else. I'm all tried hearing you whine." Ryku said, hovering a hand over her stomach "I'm all hungry now. What did you brought in your to eat"

"Brought... eh.." Reshya says, avoiding eye contact from Ryku. Suddenly in raised voice "Oh look over there! Arasp and Bhish going in the classroom, let's see what they are upto"

"Do Not Try To Change The Subject." Ryku giving the side eye to Reshya. "You forgot to brought your lunch today too right?"

Looking down, Reshya nodes in shame. It was her third time forgetting her lunch in this week "im soowwyyy"

"Sigh... It's alright. I brought extra today just in case." 

"You did?! OMG You're the BEST! What will happen to me without you" Reshya, in excitement.

"Of course! I am the.. BEST! Anyways, enough with this. Let's pick our pace and put our stuffs in bags." And they headed to the classroom.

In the classroom, Arik was sitting on the last bench, doing his assignments, Arasp and Bhish were gathered around him. And all of them were just chatting about random thing.

Arik: "You know what Arasp, the "words of wisdom" thingy. I feel like it is just pure bullshit. You can just pick random words of a language and throw them at someone. Now depending on your status, your words can be the deepest shit one might hear in their entire lifetime or you are just some stupid ass clown who just likes to spit random words."

Arasp, while setting his hairs, says "True enough. Just look at yourself."

Arik, while writing "do you know Arasp what killed the cat?"

"Curiosity? What you gonna huh" Arasp stands on the desk, saying playfully.

And from the door, Reshya and Ryku enters the classroom.

"Oh look there they are. But what is Arasp doing standing at the face of Arik" Reshya says, confused from the actions of Arasp.

And from the behind, Bhish enters the classroom following Ryku. "What up" Bhish asks them. To which Reshya says "I was finishing my homework... UNLIKE YOU" pointing finger at Bhish.

"yeah yeah. Stop whining all the time.." Bhish putting fingers in his ears. "How the fuck can you stay with her all the time" Bhish, annoyed, says to Ryku. To which Ryku giggled "Pfftt... I dono either. I should've been awarded for putting up with her by now"

And Both Bhish and Ryku began walking toward Arik's desk. "HUH?" Reshya shouted out loud, standing there confused. "What Did You Just Say?! Both of you come here" and now all three of them are running toward Arik's desk.

Bhish slapping Arasp's ass, who was standing on the desk, facing Ariik, yells at him "Sit down you moron, what do you think you are doing" Arasp then kicks Bhish from the top of the bench "How the fuck you slapping me-" before Arasp could even finish his whole sentence, Bhish grabs his kick and throw him on Arik's desk. 

"I WILL FUCKING KILL BOTH OF YOU NOW IF YOU DONT STOP WITH YOUR BULLSHIT" Arik, annoyed with Arasp and Bhish yells at them.

"I can't believe they are still alive. Sigh.." Reshya says to Ryku, while Ryku, taking her lunch box out of her bag. "Well they sure are having fun at least" Ryku says, while looking at them. "Hmm... Can't say about all of them, but some of them sure are having fun. Ishan doesn't seems there though"

"Hmm... let's ask them about his whereabouts" Then Reshya and Ryku, approaching boys.

"Watcha doin!" Reshya asking Arik. To which Arik replies "IM HERE FUCKING TRYING TO DO MY WORK BUT THESE DUMBFUCKS CANT STO-" Arik sitting down "Oh my god, I'm about to kill myself before I kill them" 

"Alright babe calm yourself down" Reshya saying to Arik, while petting his head. "Do you also wanna die?" Arik slapping her hand from his head "let me do my work"

"You don' wanna eat lunch?" Reshya asking Arik, to which he says while nodding "No". "Now How long you gonna work for?"

"Oh you wanna eat something? I can keep you the company" Bhish saying while doing a handstand... on the other desk.

"I swear one day, you are going to die. AND HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU SO LUCKY" Ryku yelling at Bhish, to which Bhish, confused, asks "lucky?"

"Yeaa.. I have never seen you study, like at all and yet you scores in 90s all the time. What are you eating"

"Of course. I'm Him after all. You dono? I'm the one who sets the papers in exam. Duh.."

Ryku and Reshya, collectively, letting out an audible sigh.

"Anyways, I can't see Ishan here. Where's he?" Ryku asking the Arasp. "In school ground" Arasp replies, while cracking his knuckles.

"What's he doing there alone" Reshya asking Arasp. "How would I know. Ask that men sitting over there" Arasp says, while pointing towards Arik.

"Huh? Maybe eating his lunch?" 

"His lunch is here though" Reshya replying, as she looked Ishan's bag 

"Men... I'm not his mother or something. I dono what he's doing. Now stop whining, now will ya?"

And from other bench, Arasp asks Ryku "Hey Ryku, Can I ask you something?"

"what you wanna ask?" 

"Why are you so attached to him all time?"

"Huh? It isn't like tha-"

"You like him, don't you?"

"WHAT NONSENSE ARE YOU SAYIN-" As Ryku was yelling at Arasp, Reshya from behind, put her hands over Ryku's shoulder. Saying "Like? She is CRAZY about him!!"

Reshya then, asking Arik, who was quietly doing his assignment "Bet He is also crazy about her. Isn't he?!" To which Arik, says "yup, superrr crazy" "SEE. SEE?! I told you he also likes you, but you just didn't wanted to accept my words. LISTEN!! even Arik is saying that he is crazy about you."

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING IN FRONT OF THEM?" Ryku, blushingly, shouting at Reshya.

And from the other bench, Bhish, still doing handstand, says "What do you mean by 'in front of them' You think we don't know about you two love buds?"

To which Arasp, adding salt to the wounds, says "Entire class knows about you two at this point now. *Haha * at this point except you two, entire school knows about you two liking each other"

"ALL OF YOUUU-" Ryku, pick her lunch box furiously, walked away from there. Reshya shouting at Ryku "WAIT FOR ME" To which Ryku shouting back "FUCK. OFF!"

Reshya says to Arik "Oh well, there goes my lunch." while letting out an loud sigh 

"Oh well, if you wanna eat something, I can always give you the company" Bhish, still doing the handstand, says to Reshya. "Sure, Arasp you wanna come with us?"

"Fuck no. I've ate enough already. I can't anymore"

Ryku, heading to the school playground, for eating lunch there, at her usual spot. Which was under a tree, in the middle end of the playground. On her way to the usual spot, she was thinking about what had unfolded in the classroom. "Geez.. I swear one day!! I WILL KILL RESHYA. So... Ishan also likes me. Hmm.. Although I did already had some suspicions about him having some interest in me. It was so easy for anyone to guess, he was all giggly while looking or talking to me, all the time haha" Ryku, all giggling, has now entered the school playground, where it was all noisy, as it was the lunch break now. Playground was now all crowded with kids, from first class to the teachers. "He liked me.. but didn't had any courage to confess to me.... HMPHH! What I'm going to do with this silly men.. *smacking her head*"

As she was approaching her usual tree, which was in the middle, she spotted Ishan sitting under the tree at the farthest corner of the playground

"Huh. That's Ishan sitting over there isn't he. What's he doing there" With the thought of that, Ryku headed towards Ishan. 

After getting there, her mood changed from all happy, giggly, to somewhat sad and serious after what she saw, that Ishan looked like he was wiping his tear off. 

She saw him crying alone under the tree.

She stood in front of him, for him to notice her, but he didn't noticed her, he had his head down, looking down, just down.

And then Ryku, finallysaid, with a serious tone, "Ishan.. Are you ok?"